Redis-使用SET NX的可靠队列模式

时间:2018-07-15 13:36:29

标签: redis reliable-message-delivery

使用Redis实现可靠队列的一般方法是使用RPOPLPUSH-从“等待”队列弹出,再推送到“处理”队列。然后,工作人员处理作业,并将其从“处理”队列中删除。 如果工作对象无法将其从“处理”队列中删除,则另一个监视过程会将作业从“处理”队列中推回到“等待”队列中。 此处的详细信息:模式:可靠队列)

这是实施Amazon SQS的方法之一,例如“可见性超时”(。

或者,我有以下方案,不需要额外的“监视”过程: 请注意,这使用此处描述的redis锁定的一般模式: 1. Jobs are queued to a "waiting" queue 2. For a worker to be able to process a job it needs to lock it 3. Locking is implemented using "SET NX" command 4. Hence to work on a job, the worker needs to: index := 0 while true { results := lrange waiting_queue index index if results is nil or empty // nothing to process, break out of loop break; else // try and lock it SET job.Id my_random_value NX PX 30000 If "SET" is successful, then lock acquired on Job { // mark it so that we can delete it later job.mark = my_random_value jobJson := toJson(job) LSET waiting_queue index jobJson process the job Del the lock Del(jobId, my_random_value) (Delete only if value matches) lrem job 1 jobJson } else { index++ } }


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