我是法国学生,并且我已经与SimpleModbus玩了1周,并且运行良好……直到我尝试实现具有大量寄存器(需要1000个 )的从站为止。使用从站1不能访问超过255的寄存器。无论我做什么,一旦寄存器读数超过255都会收到超时错误:
control.modbus.CommunicationException: While reading holding registers 255 on slave 1
文档中没有关于这种限制的任何内容。阅读 SimpleModbusSlave.cpp没有帮助...也许我需要在“ modbus更新”功能中更改起始地址,但我还是个初学者,所以无法理解...
unsigned int modbus_update() {
if (*(ModbusPort).available())
unsigned char buffer = 0;
unsigned char overflow = 0;
while ((*ModbusPort).available())
// The maximum number of bytes is limited to the serial buffer size of 128 bytes
// If more bytes is received than the BUFFER_SIZE the overflow flag will be set and the
// serial buffer will be red untill all the data is cleared from the receive buffer.
if (overflow)
if (buffer == BUFFER_SIZE)
overflow = 1;
frame[buffer] = (*ModbusPort).read();
delayMicroseconds(T1_5); // inter character time out
// If an overflow occurred increment the errorCount
// variable and return to the main sketch without
// responding to the request i.e. force a timeout
if (overflow)
return errorCount++;
// The minimum request packet is 8 bytes for function 3 & 16
if (buffer > 7)
unsigned char id = frame[0];
broadcastFlag = 0;
if (id == 0)
broadcastFlag = 1;
if (id == slaveID || broadcastFlag) // if the recieved ID matches the slaveID or broadcasting id (0), continue
unsigned int crc = ((frame[buffer - 2] << 8) | frame[buffer - 1]); // combine the crc Low & High bytes
if (calculateCRC(buffer - 2) == crc) // if the calculated crc matches the recieved crc continue
function = frame[1];
unsigned int startingAddress = ((frame[2] << 8) | frame[3]); // combine the starting address bytes
unsigned int no_of_registers = ((frame[4] << 8) | frame[5]); // combine the number of register bytes
unsigned int maxData = startingAddress + no_of_registers;
unsigned char index;
unsigned char address;
unsigned int crc16;
// broadcasting is not supported for function 3
if (!broadcastFlag && (function == 3))
if (startingAddress < holdingRegsSize) // check exception 2 ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS
if (maxData <= holdingRegsSize) // check exception 3 ILLEGAL DATA VALUE
unsigned char noOfBytes = no_of_registers * 2;
// ID, function, noOfBytes, (dataLo + dataHi)*number of registers,
// crcLo, crcHi
unsigned char responseFrameSize = 5 + noOfBytes;
frame[0] = slaveID;
frame[1] = function;
frame[2] = noOfBytes;
address = 3; // PDU starts at the 4th byte
unsigned int temp;
for (index = startingAddress; index < maxData; index++)
temp = regs[index];
frame[address] = temp >> 8; // split the register into 2 bytes
frame[address] = temp & 0xFF;
crc16 = calculateCRC(responseFrameSize - 2);
frame[responseFrameSize - 2] = crc16 >> 8; // split crc into 2 bytes
frame[responseFrameSize - 1] = crc16 & 0xFF;
exceptionResponse(3); // exception 3 ILLEGAL DATA VALUE
exceptionResponse(2); // exception 2 ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS
else if (function == 16)
// Check if the recieved number of bytes matches the calculated bytes
// minus the request bytes.
// id + function + (2 * address bytes) + (2 * no of register bytes) +
// byte count + (2 * CRC bytes) = 9 bytes
if (frame[6] == (buffer - 9))
if (startingAddress < holdingRegsSize) // check exception 2 ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS
if (maxData <= holdingRegsSize) // check exception 3 ILLEGAL DATA VALUE
address = 7; // start at the 8th byte in the frame
for (index = startingAddress; index < maxData; index++)
regs[index] = ((frame[address] << 8) | frame[address + 1]);
address += 2;
// only the first 6 bytes are used for CRC calculation
crc16 = calculateCRC(6);
frame[6] = crc16 >> 8; // split crc into 2 bytes
frame[7] = crc16 & 0xFF;
// a function 16 response is an echo of the first 6 bytes from
// the request + 2 crc bytes
if (!broadcastFlag) // don't respond if it's a broadcast message
exceptionResponse(3); // exception 3 ILLEGAL DATA VALUE
exceptionResponse(2); // exception 2 ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS
errorCount++; // corrupted packet
exceptionResponse(1); // exception 1 ILLEGAL FUNCTION
else // checksum failed
} // incorrect id
else if (buffer > 0 && buffer < 8)
errorCount++; // corrupted packet
return errorCount;
从站:SimpleModbusSlave 有什么想法吗?
编辑:我认为有人遇到了同样的问题,但我真的不明白他的更改:( here
答案 0 :(得分:0)
非常感谢@Marker,它现在可以使用了!我更改了奴隶的librarie:github.com/smarmengol/Modbus-Master-Slave-for-Arduino –