If声明/ Outlook / VBA:起草电子邮件

时间:2018-07-05 20:57:48

标签: vba excel-vba if-statement outlook outlook-vba

此代码的目的是向提交重分类的用户发送电子邮件草稿。 MailTo和Subject是从excel数据表中提取的:ecEmailAdresses = 17ecSubject = 43。我需要帮助的行是** If语句**。我希望宏仅在该人提交了重新分类时才起草电子邮件(这也是excel表上的一部分:标有“重新分类”,每个单元格的Y表示是,N表示否)。我将如何处理?谢谢。


 Option Explicit
    'Enumeration is by definition the action of establishing the number of something
    'I Enumerated my Worksheet Columns to give them a meaningful name that is easy to recognize so if the amount is ever moved

    Public Enum EmailColumn
        ecEmailAdresses = 17
        ecSubject = 43
    End Enum
    Public Sub SaveEmails()

    Dim r As Long
    Dim ReCol As Range

    For Each ReCol In Worksheets("Report").Range("AP1:AP1047900").Cells
    If ReCol = "Y" Then

        'The With Statement allows the user to "Perform a series of statements on a specified object without specifying the name of the object multiple times"
        '.Cells(.Row.Count, ecEmailAdresses).End(xlUp).Row actually refers to ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data insert").Cells(.Rows.Count, ecEmailAdresses).End(xlUp).Row
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report")
            '.Cells(): references a cell or range of cells on Worksheets("Data insert")
            '.Cells(.Rows.Count, ecEmailAdresses): References the last cell in column 43 of the worsheet
            '.End(xlUp): Changes the reference from the last cell to the first used cell above the last cell in column 17
            '.Cells(.Rows.Count, ecEmailAdressess).End(xlUp).Row: returns the Row number of the last cell column 17
            For r = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, ecEmailAdresses).End(xlUp).Row
                getTemplate(MailTo:=.Cells(r, ecEmailAdresses), Subject:=.Cells(r, ecSubject)).Save
        End With
     End If
     Next ReCol

    End Sub
    Public Function getPOAccrualTemplate(MailTo As String, Optional CC As String, Optional BC As String, Optional Subject As String) As Object
        Const TEMPLATE_PATH As String = "C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\Project\ Email Template.oft"

        Dim OutApp As Object
        Dim OutMail As Object
        'CreateObject("Outlook.Application"): Creates an instance of an Outlook Application.
        'Outlook.Application.CreatItemFromTemplate returns a new MailItem Based on a saved email Template
        Set OutMail = CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItemFromTemplate(TEMPLATE_PATH)

        With OutMail
            .To = MailTo
            .CC = CC
            .BCC = BC
            .Subject = Subject
        End With

        'Returns the new MailItem to the caller of the function
        Set getTemplate = OutMail

    End Function

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Public Function getPOAccrualTemplate(MailTo As String, Optional CC As String, Optional BC As String, Optional Subject As String) As Object 其中包括Set getTemplate = OutMail。应该是(尽管其他效率低下的编码做法):

Public Function getPOAccrualTemplate(MailTo As String, Optional CC As String, Optional BC As String, Optional Subject As String) As Object
    Const TEMPLATE_PATH As String = "C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\Project\PO Accrual Push Back Email Template.oft"
    Dim OutApp As Object
    Dim OutMail As Object
    Set OutMail = CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItemFromTemplate(TEMPLATE_PATH)
    With OutMail
        .To = MailTo
        .CC = CC
        .BCC = BC
        .Subject = Subject
    End With
    Set getPOAccrualTemplate= OutMail
End Function

您在SaveEmails中的循环正在完全按照您的要求进行操作,创建了多个模板。每次您输入“ Y”时,您都将遍历所有行并创建一封电子邮件,从而有效地减少所需电子邮件的数量。如果我正确理解了您的逻辑和数据表,那么删除循环应该可以解决重复问题(尽管存在其他效率低下的编码)。

   If ReCol = "Y" Then
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report")
                getTemplate(MailTo:=.Cells(Recol.Row, ecEmailAdresses), Subject:=.Cells(Recol.Row, ecSubject)).Save
        End With
     End If