基于Excel表的VBA / Outlook起草电子邮件

时间:2018-07-03 21:01:31

标签: excel vba excel-vba outlook outlook-vba


  1. 与其希望将电子邮件保存在“草稿”中,我不如使用代码来创建一个名为“重新分类”的新文件夹,并将未发送的电子邮件保存在那里。
  2. 使用一个If语句(我认为),以便只有在该行中有Y的用户(这是我的excel表的一部分,我将从中提取该部分用于电子邮件的MailTo部分)(表中的“重分类”列中包含Y或N)将起草一封电子邮件,以供日后发送。

    Public Enum EmailColumns
        ecEmailAdresses = 44
        ecSubject = 43
    End Enum
    Public Sub SaveEmails()
        Dim r As Long
        'The With Statement allows the user to "Perform a series of statements on a specified object without specifying the name of the object multiple times"
        '.Cells(.Row.Count, ecEmailAdresses).End(xlUp).Row actually refers to ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data insert").Cells(.Rows.Count, ecEmailAdresses).End(xlUp).Row
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report")
            '.Cells(): references a cell or range of cells on Worksheets("Data insert")
            '.Cells(.Rows.Count, ecEmailAdresses): References the last cell in column 43 of the worsheet
            '.End(xlUp): Changes the reference from the last cell to the first used cell above the last cell in column 44
            '.Cells(.Rows.Count, ecEmailAdressess).End(xlUp).Row: returns the Row number of the last cell column 44
            For r = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, ecEmailAdresses).End(xlUp).Row
                getPOAccrualTemplate(MailTo:=.Cells(r, ecEmailAdresses), Subject:=.Cells(r, ecSubject)).Save
        End With
    End Sub
    Public Function getPOAccrualTemplate(MailTo As String, Optional CC As String, Optional BC As String, Optional Subject As String) As Object
        Const TEMPLATE_PATH As String = "C:\Users\JoeDoe\Documents\Project\Email Template.oft"
        Dim OutApp As Object, OutMail As Object
        'CreateObject("Outlook.Application"): Creates an instance of an Outlook Application.
        'Outlook.Application.CreatItemFromTemplate returns a new MailItem Based on a saved email Template
        Set OutMail = CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItemFromTemplate(TEMPLATE_PATH)
        With OutMail
            .To = MailTo
            .CC = CC
            .BCC = BC
            .Subject = Subject
        End With
        'Returns the new MailItem to the caller of the function
        Set getTemplate = OutMail
    End Function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


set app = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
set ns = app.GetNamespace("MAPI")
set drafts = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDrafts)
on error resume next 'the line below can raise an exception if the folder is not found
set myFolder = drafts.Parent.Folders("Reclass")
if myFolder Is Nothing Then
  set myFolder = drafts.Parent.Folders.Add("Reclass")
end If
set OutMail = myFolder.Items.Add