我需要将此算法转换为背包。这基本上是基于贪婪算法。请帮助我将其转换为背包 下面显示了在考虑较低Power值的情况下调度不同内核的贪婪算法:
Step1. Initialize the value of TAM width.
Step2. Construct three partitions of TAM width value as tw1,tw2
and tw3
and take the test
time of different TAM width partitioned for scheduling of the cores.
Step3. Different possible combination is made using
loop for the particular TAM
width value.
for i= 1; i<=n/2 // outer loop
{l= n-i ; // where , n is value of TAM width
for j= 1; j<=l/2 // inner loop
{k=n-i ;}} // where i,j,k,l are integers
Minimum test time tt
is taken among all the possible combinations
is sum of the test time of the cores.
ttj represents test time of each core.
Step4. Sort the value of power P of different cores in descending order using bubble
sorting technique and select the two cores of maximum power along with the core
of minimum power for scheduling. Update start time as well as end time. As
testing of any core is completed the fourth core of minimum power P is added.
Step5. Sort the value of test time
of remaining cores in descending order and
schedule the cores from higher to lower test time
. Update the respective cores
accordingly and update the test time of each partition.
Step6. Repeat step 7 until all the remaining cores get scheduled.
Step7. Final test time tt
value is the minimum test time tt
among all the possible
Combinations. Test time tt
is represented by the partition with maximum value