for循环超过2 ^ n个项目瓶颈

时间:2018-06-28 13:42:58

标签: python loops

我正在使用贝叶斯定理的一种变型,以基于自定义似然函数和用户输入正确不正确(1,0)来更新状态的所有概率。每个用户响应都是针对特定技能的问题(技能= a-z),该问题会创建2 ^ n = 2 ^ 26 = 67,108,864个可能的状态,必须对其进行更新。为了确定贝叶斯方程的基数,必须计算P(data)=基于数据的每个状态的似然度和先验概率之积。新概率只是我将其放在矢量符号中的每个可能性时间,早于该概率。此过程计算简单,但是每次都必须使用for循环或map函数分析每个状态,这会造成巨大的瓶颈。

这是我尝试过的:请记住len(states)= 67,108,864

def like(ans, d, match):
calculates the liklihood function
:param ans: 1, 0 denoting correct or in correct response
:param d: quesiton difficulty
:param match: True if question space matches part of learning space
:return: liklihood value
if ans == 1 and not match or ans == 0 and match:
    return 1
    # if ans == 0 and not match or ans == 1 and match
    return 1/(1-d)

def p_s_theta(ans, d, space):
Calculates the data prob and return posterior prob of all spaces
:param ans:  1, 0 denoting correct or in correct response
:param d: quesiton difficulty
:param space: learning space of question asked(a-z)
:return: posterior probability of all learning spaces
def p_prime(s):
    if space in s[0]:
        return like(ans, d, True) * s[1]
        return like(ans, d, False) * s[1]
p_theta = list(map(p_prime, states))

p_t = sum(p_theta)
return np.asarray(p_theta)/p_t


def p_s_theta(ans, d, space):
Calculates the data prob and return posterior prob of all spaces
:param ans:  1, 0 denoting correct or in correct response
:param d: quesiton difficulty
:param space: learning space of question asked
:return: posterior probabiltity of all learning spaces
p_theta = []
for s in states:
    if space in s[0]:
        p_theta.append(like(ans, d, True) * s[1])
        p_theta.append(like(ans, d, False) * s[1])
p_theta = list(map(p_prime, states))
p_t = sum(p_theta)
return np.asarray(p_theta)/p_t


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