
时间:2018-06-27 12:46:01

标签: bash awk sed append


state NY  
city Manhattan  
city Brooklyn  
city Bronx  
end state  
state CA  
city Los Angeles  
city San Francisco  
city San Diego  
end state  
state IL  
city Chicago  
city Springfield  
city Rockford  
end state  


city Manhattan,NY  
city Brooklyn,NY  
city Bronx,NY  
city Los Angeles,CA  
city San Francisco,CA  
city San Diego,CA  
city Chicago,IL  
city Springfield,IL  
city Rockford,IL

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


awk '/^state/{val=$NF;next} val{print $0","val}'  Input_file

说明: 现在也添加了说明。

awk '
/^state/{         ##Check condition if a line starts from string state then do following.
  val=$NF;        ##Creating variable val whose value is last field of current line.
  next}           ##Using next keyword to skip all further statements.
val{              ##Checking condition if variable val is NOT NULL then do following.
  print $0","val  ##Printing current line with command and variable val here.
}'  Input_file    ##Mentioning Input_file name here.

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这可能对您有用(GNU sed):

sed '/^state/h;/city/!d;G;s/ *\nstate /,/;s/ *$//' file
