// MARK: Touches
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch: AnyObject in touches {
let pointTouched = touch.location(in: cameraNode)
if leftArrow.contains(pointTouched)
leftArrow.alpha = 0.5
moveWizard(moveBy: -300, forTheKey: "moveX")
wizardCharacter.xScale = -1
if rightArrow.contains(pointTouched)
rightArrow.alpha = 0.5
moveWizard(moveBy: 430, forTheKey: "moveX")
wizardCharacter.xScale = 1
if attackButton.contains(pointTouched)
attackButton.alpha = 0.5
if upArrow.contains(pointTouched)
upArrow.alpha = 0.5
jumpWizard(forTheKey: "jumped")
jumpWizardAnimation(fortheKey: "jumpedAnimation")
func alpha() {
leftArrow.alpha = 1
rightArrow.alpha = 1
attackButton.alpha = 1
upArrow.alpha = 1
override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch: AnyObject in touches {
let pointTouched = touch.location(in: cameraNode)
if leftArrow.contains(pointTouched)
wizardCharacter.removeAction(forKey: "moveX")
if rightArrow.contains(pointTouched)
wizardCharacter.removeAction(forKey: "moveX")
if attackButton.contains(pointTouched)
wizardCharacter.removeAction(forKey: "wizardRun")
if upArrow.contains(pointTouched)
wizardCharacter.removeAction(forKey: "jumped")