当我使用下面的代码调用test2之类的函数时,出现了Cannot invoke 'encodeTest' with an argument list of type '(object: Encodable)'
//test func
func encodeTest<T>(object: T) where T: Encodable {
// The object should be AnyObject which conforms to Encodable.
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
if let _ = try? encoder.encode(object) {
print("encode success.")
// I need fix the json here.
class Test: Encodable {
var a = "a"
var b = "b"
var t: Test?
t = Test()
// it is ok.
encodeTest(object: t)
if let tf = t as Encodable? {
// Cannot invoke 'encodeTest' with an argument list of type '(object: Encodable)'
encodeTest(object: tf)
调用encodeTest(object: tf)