在图片中,用户输入天数,然后输入星期几,可以看到,第1天分配给“ TH”,这可能如何完成?绝对的Python初学者。我尝试导入日历,但显然不是逻辑原理。
days = int(input("Please enter number of days: "))
day_of_week = input("Please enter the first day of the week: ")
def print_calendar(days,day_of_week):
while days > 0:
if days :
print("{:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2}".format("S", "M","T" , "W" , "TH" , "F" , "S"))
#Do not remove the next line
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def print_calendar(n, start):
"""Return an evenly spaced representation of a calendar
starting on the given weekday (start) and n days long"""
headers = ["S", "M", "T", "W", "Th", "F", "Sa"]
start_index = headers.index(start) #Grabbing the position of the first day
headers = [x.rjust(2) for x in headers] # padding the width " M" as opposed to "M"
#Creating the first line of days
#we need to buffer the 'empty' days from the previous month
buffer = [" " for _ in range(start_index)] + list(map(str, range(1, 8-start_index)))
buffer = [x.rjust(2) for x in buffer]
#Loop to fill in the remaining lines of days
#Creates them in groups of 7 until we hit the final date
c = []
for x in range(8-start_index, n, 7):
c.append(list(map(str, range(x,min(n+1,x+7)))))
c[-1] = [x.rjust(2) for x in c[-1]]
#Joining our lists representing each 'line' into a single string
a = " ".join(headers)
b = " ".join(buffer)
c = [" ".join(line) for line in c]
output = [a,b]+c
#Joining our lines into one single string separated by newline characters
return "\n".join(output)
days = 30 #int(input("Please enter number of days: "))
day_of_week = "Th" #input("Please enter the first day of the week: ")
print(print_calendar(days, day_of_week))
S M T W Th F Sa
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
答案 1 :(得分:0)
def print_calendar(days, day_of_week):
days: number of days in the month
day_of_week: integer from 0 to 6 describing the column where to start
# first line: weekdays
print(" S M T W Th F S")
# it's (almost) the same as: print("{:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2}".format("S", "M", "T", "W", "TH", "F", "S"))
weeks = (days + day_of_week) // 7 + 1 # number of rows to print
day = 1 # initialize day counter
# print the calendar grid row wise
for y in range(weeks):
row = ""
for x in range(7):
if (y == 0 and x >= day_of_week) or (y > 0 and day <= days):
# only print after start of month and before end of month
row += "{:2d} ".format(day)
day += 1
# add blank part of string
row += " "
S M T W Th F S
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30