单击窗体的“ X”按钮时如何退出VBA宏?

时间:2018-06-20 13:58:42

标签: vba outlook-vba


Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

          Dim frm As classificationForm
          Dim chosenvalue As String

          Set frm = New classificationForm
          frm.Show vbModal

          Select Case True
          Case frm.restrictedButton.Value
            chosenvalue = "Restricted"
          Case frm.internalButton.Value
            chosenvalue = "Internal"
          Case frm.publicButton.Value
            chosenvalue = "Public"
          Case Else
            MsgBox "No classification chosen"
            Cancel = True
            Exit Sub
          End Select

    If TypeName(Item) = "MailItem" Then
      Item.Subject = "[" & chosenvalue & "] " & Item.Subject
    End If

End Sub


Private Sub okCommand_Click()
  Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cancelCommand_Click()
  Unload Me
End Sub


默认选择[内部]选项按钮。但是,如果有人单击窗体右上角的“ X”按钮或“取消”命令按钮,则当我希望它将我踢回到电子邮件草稿时,宏会发送带有所选分类按钮的电子邮件。如果未选择任何选项,将是这样。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



另一个问题是,由于调用代码正在查询表单控件的状态,因此关闭表单的方式无关紧要:确定,取消,“ X”-这些按钮中的任何一个都会卸载表单,无论如何被选中将被执行:您没有适当的机制来确定用户是否同意对话框,还是希望取消所有操作。


Private IsCancelled As Boolean

Public Property Get Cancelled() As Boolean
    Cancelled = IsCancelled
End Property

处理QueryClose事件,在CancelFalse时将CloseMode参数设置为vbFormControlMenu,并以Hide的形式-实际上,您想要的是使该“ X”按钮执行与您的取消按钮完全相同的操作,因此只需执行以下操作:

Private Sub OkButton_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
    If CloseMode = VbQueryClose.vbFormControlMenu Then
        Cancel = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub OnCancel()
    IsCancelled = True
End Sub


If frm.Cancelled Then
    Cancel = True
    'user okayed the dialog: determine the selection...
End If

有关用户表单的更多详细信息,请参见this article:调用代码不需要 来关心表单上的控件。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

使用UserForm_QueryClose()事件处理程序来拦截任何用户形式的红色“ X”点击


Private Sub okCommand_Click()
    Me.Hide ' don't unload the Form, just hide it
End Sub

Private Sub cancelCommand_Click()
    Me.Tag = "NO" ' signal to the calling sub that it must not send the email
    Me.Hide ' don't unload the Form, just hide it
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
    If CloseMode = 0 Then Me.Tag = "NO" ' if user clicked the red X button signal to the calling sub that it must not send the email
End Sub


Set frm = New classificationForm
With frm
    .Show vbModal
    If .Tag <> "NO" Then ' if userform didn't signal not to send the email 
        Select Case True
            Case frm.restrictedButton.Value
                chosenvalue = "Restricted"
            Case frm.internalButton.Value
                chosenvalue = "Internal"
            Case frm.publicButton.Value
                chosenvalue = "Public"
            Case Else
                MsgBox "No classification chosen"
                Cancel = True
            Exit Sub
        End Select
    Else ' the userform signaled not to send the email
        MsgBox "No classification chosen"
        Cancel = True
    End If
End With
Unload frm