我多年没有做任何vba,完全忘记了怎么做 - 这就像重新学习vba一样!
var tempArr = []
var result = {};
for(index in labels){
var elm = labels[index];
if(tempArr.indexOf(elm) > -1){
result[elm]= parseInt(barData[index]) + parseInt(result[elm]);
result[elm] = barData[index];
bindFormData sub是;
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
qString = "SELECT tblPerson.personID, [personLName]+', '+[personFName] AS fullName, tblFamily.familyAFCID, tblAddress.addressLine1, " & _
" tblFamily.personAFCID, refSource.sourceDescription AS personSource " & _
" FROM refSource RIGHT JOIN (((tblPerson LEFT JOIN tblFamily ON tblPerson.personID = tblFamily.personID) " & _
" LEFT JOIN lnkAddressPerson ON tblPerson.personID = lnkAddressPerson.personID) " & _
" LEFT JOIN tblAddress ON lnkAddressPerson.addressID = tblAddress.addressID) ON refSource.sourceID = tblPerson.personSource " & _
" WHERE lnkAddressPerson.addresslinkend is null "
qStringAppend = " order by personLName, personFName;"
bindFormData qString, qStringAppend, "frmPerson"
End Sub
Public Sub bindFormData(ByVal qString As String, ByVal qStringAppend As String, ByVal formName As String)
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
Set .ActiveConnection = cn
.Source = qString + qStringAppend
.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
Set Forms(formName).Recordset = rs
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
我的表单在open事件上正确填充,但在命令按钮单击时返回零记录。我在命令按钮上单击debug.print sql并验证它是否在查询中返回记录。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Urrgh,多么恼人 - 在VBA中使用ADO记录集我需要使用%而不是*作为通配符......简单就是这样!
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Public Sub bindFormData(ByVal qString As String, ByVal qStringAppend As String, ByVal formName As String)
Public Sub bindFormData(ByVal qString As String, ByVal qStringAppend As String, ByVal form as Form)
Set Forms(formName).Recordset = rs
Set form.Recordset = rs
bindFormData qString, qStringAppend, "frmPerson"
bindFormData qString, qStringAppend, me.form
OR if you keep your existing code use this (in case you rename the form)
bindFormData qString, qStringAppend, me.form.Name
Public Sub aa(ByRef a As String, ByVal b As String)
' This is deliberately not a function, although it behaves a bit like one
a = a & vbCrLf & b
End Sub
' The function is called in code like this:
Dim a as string
a = ""
aa a, " SELECT tblPerson.personID "
aa a, " , [personLName]+', '+[personFName] AS fullName "
aa a, " , tblFamily.familyAFCID "
aa a, " , tblAddress.addressLine1 "
aa a, " , tblFamily.personAFCID "
aa a, " , refSource.sourceDescription AS personSource "
aa a, " FROM refSource "
aa a, " RIGHT JOIN (((tblPerson "
aa a, " LEFT JOIN tblFamily "
aa a, " ON tblPerson.personID = tblFamily.personID) "
aa a, " LEFT JOIN lnkAddressPerson "
aa a, " ON tblPerson.personID = lnkAddressPerson.personID) "
aa a, " LEFT JOIN tblAddress "
aa a, " ON lnkAddressPerson.addressID = tblAddress.addressID) "
aa a, " ON refSource.sourceID = tblPerson.personSource "
aa a, " WHERE lnkAddressPerson.addresslinkend IS NULL"