我想请社群澄清Adobe Animate CC(2017)安装问题。我在论坛上找到了一些建议,但像往常一样,解决方案并没有像那样出现。其中一个建议是使用VBScript作为包装器安装。 我试过通过vbs来包装Animate CC 2017的安装,但结果很糟糕! 以下是PDApp.log的最后一行日志:
06/18/18 08:38:02:483 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 6900 | Failed to get directory handle(D:\temp\install\Adobe Animate CC 2017.1\Build\Setup\*)(3)
06/18/18 08:38:03:481 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 6900 | Process creation completed.
06/18/18 08:38:03:481 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 6900 | The return Code from Create Process (1633).
I also used Adobe CC Cleaner tool to clean out previous Creative Cloud Desktop package instalation.
And this is the VBS wrapper code:
set objShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
set objRes1 = objShell.Exec( "TASKKILL.exe /F /IM explorer.exe /T" )
'A setup.exe is in the same folder as vbs script
set objRes2 = objShell.Exec( "setup.exe" )
' Wait for the child process to finish
Do While objRes2.Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 100
`Start explorer
set objRes3 = objShell.Exec( "explorer.exe" )
I test it as Run as Administrator. The OS is Windows 7 pro SP1 32 bit.
If someone could find any other solution it would be great for me and may be for others that looking for it.
Thanks in advance