答案 0 :(得分:1)
同样,我的代码只对找到图像的透明边缘感兴趣,因此它只关注每个像素的“ alpha”分量。根据需要调整条件。
// Based on Moore-Nieghbor tracing
// <http://www.imageprocessingplace.com/downloads_V3/root_downloads/tutorials/contour_tracing_Abeer_George_Ghuneim/moore.html>
// <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore_neighborhood>
// RGBA buffers store each pixel value as four sequential 8-bit integers
// The outline trace is interested only in the alpha component, and uses the other three bytes for intermediate values
#define kAlphaOffset 3
#define kBlackOffset 0 // reuse R to record if this pixel is considered to be "black"
#define kVisitedOffset 2 // reuse G to record if this pixel has been visited
#define kIsBodyAlphaThreshold (255/20) // a pixel with > 5% opacity is considered to be "black" (part of the image)
// Notes: all of these functions assume a square image buffer exactly dim x dim x RGBA
// all functions clip x & y to valid pixels addresses in the buffer and ignore anything outside
static NSUInteger GetValue( NSInteger x, NSInteger y, NSUInteger offset, const UInt8* buffer, NSInteger dim );
static void FillSquareOfValues( NSInteger x, NSInteger y, NSInteger size, NSUInteger value, NSUInteger offset, UInt8* buffer, NSInteger dim );
#define kNeighbors 8 // each pixel has eight Moore neighbors
// The x & y offset of neighboring pixels, starting with the pixel immediately above the pixel and moving clockwise around it
enum {
kUpNeighbor = 0,
static NSInteger NeighborX[kNeighbors] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1 }; // coordinate offsets of neighbor directions
static NSInteger NeighborY[kNeighbors] = { 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1 };
static NSUInteger EntryDirection[kNeighbors] = { // translates the neighboring pixel hit into an entry direction
kRightNeighbor, // above
kRightNeighbor, // upper right
kDownNeighbor, // right
kDownNeighbor, // lower right
kLeftNeighbor, // below
kLeftNeighbor, // lower left
kUpNeighbor, // left
kUpNeighbor }; // upper left
#define OppositeDirection(DIRECTION) ((DIRECTION+4)&0x07) // macro to calculate the opposite neighbor position or direction
- (NSInteger)edgeIndentForSize:(IconSizeSelector)selector
// the inset of black pixels from any transparent pixel for a given icon size
// right now it's aribrarily the pixel size selector, so mini icons get no
// indent, large get 1 pixel, huge gets 2 pixels, ...
return (NSInteger)selector;
- (NSBezierPath*)outlineFromBuffer:(SystemIconBuffer*)buffer forSize:(IconSizeSelector)selector
// Get the array of RGBA pixels for the source image
// Do this before locking drawBufferLock becuase -dataForSize might need to convert an NSImage into
// a pixel buffer, and it will need IconFrameBuffer() to do that
const UInt8* srcBuffer = [buffer dataForSize:selector].bytes;
// Aquire a temporary frame buffer to use for the calculations
UInt8* pixels = IconFrameBuffer(selector);
bzero(pixels,IconRGBABufferSize(selector)); // fill buffer with zeros
NSInteger dim = IconPixelIntegerSize[selector];
// Determine the "black" pixels of the image. This is done by setting all of the pixels to "black" (true) and then erasing
// a range of them near any transparent pixels in the source image. The size of the range is determined by edgeIndent.
// When edgeIndent is non-zero, the black pixels are required to be a least that many pixels away from any transparent
// pixel, effectively insetting the image from its edges.
NSInteger edgeIdent = [self edgeIndentForSize:selector];
// Paint the whole pixel map "black"
// Scan all of the pixels (including one row & column of phantom pixels beyond the edge of the image) looking for
// transparent pixels. If found, erase the black pixel at that coordinate plus all pixels within edgeIndent of it.
for ( NSInteger x=-1; x<=dim; x++ )
for (NSInteger y=-1; y<=dim; y++ )
if (GetValue(x,y,kAlphaOffset,srcBuffer,dim)<=kIsBodyAlphaThreshold)
// fill with not-black values at x,y plus edgeIndent pixels adjacent to it
// Find the starting pixel
NSInteger startX = -1;
NSInteger startY = -1;
// Scanning left to right, bottom to top, find the first lower-left(ish) pixel
for ( NSInteger x=0; x<dim; x++ )
for ( NSInteger y=0; y<dim; y++ )
if (GetValue(x, y, kBlackOffset, pixels, dim)!=0)
startX = x;
startY = y;
x = y = dim; // break both loops
// Create the path and set the start point
NSBezierPath* path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
if (startX<0 && startY<0)
goto bail; // there are no opaque pixels: return an empty path
[path moveToPoint:NSMakePoint(startX+0.5,startY+0.5)];
// Determine initial entry direction for first pixel
// Conceptually, we'd want to walk around this pixel counter-clockwise to find the next-to-the-last pixel
// in the outline, which will tell us the direction the last edge pixel will (re)enter this one.
// However ...
// Because we "snuck" up on the first pixel by scanning columns left to right, we know that there are no
// black pixels immeidately below it or to its left. The only variable is whether there are pixels to its right and
// whether they are above or below it. Ultimately, we only need to test one configuration. If there
// are no pixels to the immediate right or lower-right, then the final entry direction will be from
// the right (6). If there are pixels in either of these locations, the final entry direction will be
// from the bottom (0).
NSUInteger initialEntryDirection = 0;
if (GetValue(startX+1,startY-1,kBlackOffset,pixels,dim)==0 && GetValue(startX+1,startY,kBlackOffset,pixels,dim)==0)
initialEntryDirection = 6;
// Start the outline trace
// At each pixel, starting with the pixel in the opposite direction of the entry direction, test the pixels,
// clockwise, until we find the next black pixel adjacent to this one. Add it to the outline and repeat
// until we encounter the first pixel again, entered from the same direction (Jacob's stopping criterion).
NSInteger x = startX;
NSInteger lastX = x;
NSInteger y = startY;
NSInteger lastY = y;
NSUInteger direction = initialEntryDirection;
do {
// Search, clockwise, for the next neighboring black pixel
NSInteger nextX, nextY;
NSUInteger nextDir = OppositeDirection(direction);
do {
// Progress to the next neighbor direction (note that when first entering the loop we always
// know that the pixel we entered from must be white, or we couldn't have entered from that direction,
// so the entry pixel never needs to be tested)
nextDir += 1;
if (nextDir>kNeighbors*2)
// Safety check: an image with a single, isolated, pixel will cause this loop to run forever
goto bail;
nextX = x+NeighborX[nextDir&0x07];
nextY = y+NeighborY[nextDir&0x07];
} while (GetValue(nextX,nextY,kBlackOffset,pixels,dim)==0);
// Loop exits with [nextX,nextY] of next clockwise black pixel and the direction of that pixel relative to this one
x = nextX; // move to this point
y = nextY;
direction = EntryDirection[nextDir&0x07]; // translate pixel relative direction into entry direction
if (x!=lastX || y!=lastY)
// This is a new point in the list: add it to the path
[path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(x+0.5,y+0.5)];
lastX = x;
lastY = y;
} while (x!=startX || y!=startY || direction!=initialEntryDirection);
// Loop will exit when the countour has been traced back to its orignal point
[path closePath];
return path;
static NSUInteger GetValue( NSInteger x, NSInteger y, NSUInteger offset, const UInt8* buffer, NSInteger dim )
if (x>=0 && x<dim && y>=0 && y<dim )
return buffer[((dim-y-1)*dim+x)*4+offset];
return 0;
static void FillSquareOfValues( NSInteger x, NSInteger y, NSInteger size, NSUInteger value, NSUInteger offset, UInt8* buffer, NSInteger dim )
NSInteger endX = MIN(x+size,dim);
NSInteger endY = MIN(y+size,dim);
if (x<0) x = 0;
if (y<0) y = 0;
for ( NSInteger i=x; i<endX; i++ )
for ( NSInteger j=y; j<endY; j++ )
buffer[((dim-j-1)*dim+i)*4+offset] = value;
答案 1 :(得分:0)