#Get a list of files to copy from
$Files = GCI 'C:\Users\bob\Desktop\Und' | ?{$_.Extension -Match "xlsx?"} | select -ExpandProperty FullName
#Launch Excel, and make it do as its told (supress confirmations)
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $True
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $False
#Open up a new workbook
$Dest = $Excel.Workbooks.Add()
`enter code here` ForEach($File in $Files[0..4]){
$Source = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($File,$true,$true)
If(($Dest.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Count -eq 1) -and ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty ($Dest.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value2))){ #If there is only 1 used cell and it is blank select A1
[void]$source.ActiveSheet.Range("A1","F$(($Source.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows|Select -Last 1).Row)").Copy()
Else{ #If there is data go to the next empty row and select Column A
[void]$source.ActiveSheet.Range("A2","F$(($Source.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows|Select -Last 1).Row)").Copy()
[void]$Dest.ActiveSheet.Range ("A$(($Dest.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows|Select -last 1).row+1)").Select()}
答案 0 :(得分:0)
具有优秀PoserShell模块ImportExcel(使用PowerShell 5或更高版本)的解决方案
Install-Module -Name ImportExcel
Install-Module -Name ImportExcel -Scope CurrentUser
$source = 'C:\Users\bob\Desktop\Und'
$destination = 'C:\Users\bob\Desktop\Und\combo\Combined.xlsx'
$fileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $source -Filter '*.xlsx'
foreach ($file in $fileList) {
$fileContent = Import-Excel -Path $file.FullName
$excelParameters = @{
Path = $destination
WorkSheetname = 'Combined'
if ((Test-Path -Path $destination) -and (Import-Excel @excelParameters)) {
$excelParameters.Append = $true
$fileContent | Export-Excel @excelParameters