我正在尝试使用轻弹帽来控制我的OWI机械臂和usb套件。我按照本网站https://www.hackster.io/pi-supply/raspberry-pi-as-a-robotic-arm-controller-with-flick-hat-412827中的说明进行操作,但在我的覆盆子pi中安装完所有内容后,我尝试使用&sudo python testRobotArm.py'来测试我的机器人。我得到了以下
'Init'ing RobotArm
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "testRobotArm.py", line 10, in <module>
arm = RobotArm.RobotArm()
File "/home/pi/armcontrol/RobotArm.py", line 27, in __init__
raise ValueError("Could not connect to Robotic Arm USB device. Is the arm connected properly? Perhaps you're not running as root?")
ValueError: Could not connect to Robotic Arm USB device. Is the arm connected properly? Perhaps you're not running as root?
Stopping RobotArm
Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ctrl_transfer'" in <bound method RobotArm.__del__ of <RobotArm.RobotArm instance at 0x76b9dfa8>> ignored'
我认为我正确连接了手臂并设置了所有内容,并且我检查了lsusb,检测到usb为总线001设备004:ID 1267:0001 Logic3 / SpectraVideo plc