
时间:2018-06-11 17:46:26

标签: c++ optimization polynomial-math ipopt


        url: "",
        method: "POST",
        data: { foo : "bar" },
        success: function(response) {
        error: function(response, error) {


  1. 维持初始等式约束(起始位置,速度和方向),而终止速度约束则不支持。算法终止于正确的最终(x,y,角度),但速度不为零。我查看了代码,我无法理解为什么在速度不会的情况下会遵守端点的位置和方向。我怀疑我对平等约束的定义并不是我认为的。
  2. 问题不会定期收敛,但这似乎是一个相当简单的问题(见输出)
  3. #include <vector>
    #include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
    #include <cppad/ipopt/solve.hpp>
    using CppAD::AD;
    typedef struct {
        double x, y, theta, linear_velocity;
    } Waypoint;
    typedef std::vector<Waypoint> WaypointList;
    struct TrajectoryConfig {
        //! gain on accumulated jerk term in cost function
        double Kj;
        //! gain on time term in cost function
        double Kt;
        //! gain on terminal velocity term in cost function
        double Kv;
    class Trajectory {
         explicit Trajectory(TrajectoryConfig config);
         void updateConfigs(TrajectoryConfig config);
         void solve(WaypointList waypoints);
         //! solution vector
         std::vector<double> solution_;
         //! gain on accumulated jerk term in cost function
         double Kj_;
         //! gain on time term in cost function
         double Kt_;
         //! gain on terminal velocity term in cost function
         double Kv_;
      class constructor.  Initializes class given configuration struct
    Trajectory::Trajectory(TrajectoryConfig config) {
        Kj_ = config.Kj;
        Kt_ = config.Kt;
        Kv_ = config.Kv;
    Trajectory::~Trajectory() {
        std::cerr << "Trajectory Destructor!" << std::endl;
    enum Indices { A0 = 0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, T };
    class FGradEval {
         size_t M_;
         // gains on cost;
         double Kj_, Kt_;
         // constructor
         FGradEval(double Kj, double Kt) {
             M_ = 13;  // no. of parameters per trajectory segment: 2 x 6 coefficients + 1 time
             Kj_ = Kj;
             Kt_ = Kt;
         typedef CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(AD<double>) ADvector;
         void operator()(ADvector& fgrad, const ADvector& vars) { 
             fgrad[0] = 0;
             AD<double> accum_jerk;
             AD<double> a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5;
             AD<double> b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5;
             AD<double> T, T2, T3, T4, T5;
             AD<double> x, y, vx, vy;
             size_t offset = 1;
             a0 = vars[Indices::A0];
             a1 = vars[Indices::A1];
             a2 = vars[Indices::A2];
             a3 = vars[Indices::A3];
             a4 = vars[Indices::A4];
             a5 = vars[Indices::A5];
             b0 = vars[Indices::B0];
             b1 = vars[Indices::B1];
             b2 = vars[Indices::B2];
             b3 = vars[Indices::B3];
             b4 = vars[Indices::B4];
             b5 = vars[Indices::B5];
             T  = vars[Indices::T];
             T2 = T*T;
             T3 = T*T2;
             T4 = T*T3;
             T5 = T*T4;
             x    = a0 + a1*T + a2*T2 + a3*T3 + a4*T4 + a5*T5;
             y    = b0 + b1*T + b2*T2 + b3*T3 + b4*T4 + b5*T5;
             vx   = a1 + 2*a2*T + 3*a3*T2 + 4*b4*T3 + 5*a5*T4;
             vy   = b1 + 2*b2*T + 3*b3*T2 + 4*b4*T3 + 5*b5*T4;
             //! cost-terms
             //! accum_jerk is the analytic integral of int_0^T (jerk_x^2 + jerk_y^2) dt
             accum_jerk = 36 * T * (a3*a3 + b3*b3) + 144 * T2 * (a3*a4 + b3*b4) + T3 * (240*(a3*a5 + b3*b5) + 192*(a4*a4 + b4*b4))
                 + 720 * T4 * (a4*a5 + b4*b5) + 720 * T5 * (a5*a5 + b5*b5);
             fgrad[0] += Kj_ * accum_jerk;
             fgrad[0] += Kt_ * T;
             //! initial equality constraints
             fgrad[offset]     = vars[Indices::A0];
             fgrad[1 + offset] = vars[Indices::B0];
             fgrad[2 + offset] = vars[Indices::A1];
             fgrad[3 + offset] = vars[Indices::B1];
             offset += 4;
             //! terminal inequality constraints
             fgrad[offset]     = x;
             fgrad[offset + 1] = y;
             fgrad[offset + 2] = vx;
             fgrad[offset + 3] = vy;
    void Trajectory::solve(WaypointList waypoints) {
        if (waypoints.size() != 2) {
            std::cerr << "Trajectory::solve - Function requires 2 waypoints." << std::endl;
        //! status flag for solution
        bool ok;
        //! typedef for ipopt/cppad
        typedef CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(double) Dvector;
        //! no. of variables for optimization problem
        size_t n_vars = 13;
        //! no. of constraints
        size_t n_cons = 4 * 2;  // the start and final waypoint each contribute 4 constraints (x, y, theta, v) -> (x, y, vx, vy)
        //! create vector container for optimizer solution
        //! and initialize it to zero
        Dvector vars(n_vars);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vars; i++) {
            vars[i] = 0;
        //! set initial state (this will only determine the first two coefficients of the initial polynomials)
        double v = (fabs(waypoints[0].linear_velocity) < 1e-3)
            ? 1e-3 : waypoints[0].linear_velocity;
        vars[Indices::A0] = waypoints[0].x;
        vars[Indices::B0] = waypoints[0].y;
        vars[Indices::A1] = v * cos(waypoints[0].theta);
        vars[Indices::B1] = v * sin(waypoints[0].theta);
        vars[Indices::T] = 0;
        //! there are no explicit bounds on vars, so set to something large for the optimizer
        //! we could perhaps put bounds on the coeffs corresponding to acc, jerk, snap, ..
        Dvector vars_lb(n_vars);
        Dvector vars_ub(n_vars);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vars; i++) {
            vars_lb[i] = -1e10;
            vars_ub[i] =  1e10;
        //! time must be non-negative!
        vars_lb[Indices::T] = 0;
        //! set the bounds on the constraints
        Dvector cons_lb(n_cons);
        Dvector cons_ub(n_cons);
        //! offset term on index
        size_t offset = 0;
        //! initial equality constraint - we must start from where we are!
        cons_lb[0] = waypoints[0].x;
        cons_ub[0] = waypoints[0].x;
        cons_lb[1] = waypoints[0].y;
        cons_ub[1] = waypoints[0].y;
        cons_lb[2] = v * cos(waypoints[0].theta);
        cons_ub[2] = v * cos(waypoints[0].theta);
        cons_lb[3] = v * sin(waypoints[0].theta);
        cons_ub[3] = v * sin(waypoints[0].theta);
        offset += 4;
        //! terminal point
        cons_lb[offset] = waypoints[1].x;
        cons_ub[offset] = waypoints[1].x;
        cons_lb[offset + 1] = waypoints[1].y;
        cons_ub[offset + 1] = waypoints[1].y;
        cons_lb[offset + 2] = 1e-3 * cos(waypoints[1].theta);
        cons_ub[offset + 2] = 1e-3 * cos(waypoints[1].theta);
        cons_lb[offset + 3] = 1e-3 * sin(waypoints[1].theta);
        cons_ub[offset + 3] = 1e-3 * sin(waypoints[1].theta);
        //! create instance of objective function class
        FGradEval fg_eval(Kj_, Kt_);
        std::string options;
        options += "Integer print_level  5\n";
        options += "Sparse  true        forward\n";
        options += "Sparse  true        reverse\n";
        options += "Integer max_iter         100\n";
        // options += "Numeric tol         1e-4\n";
        //! compute the solution
        CppAD::ipopt::solve_result<Dvector> solution;
        //! solve
        CppAD::ipopt::solve<Dvector, FGradEval>(
                options, vars, vars_lb, vars_ub, cons_lb, cons_ub, fg_eval, solution);
        //! check if the solver was successful
        ok = solution.status == CppAD::ipopt::solve_result<Dvector>::success;
        //! if the solver was unsuccessful, exit
        //! this case will be handled by calling method
        if (!ok) {
            std::cerr << "Trajectory::solve - Failed to find a solution!" << std::endl;
        //! (DEBUG) output the final cost
        std::cout << "Final Cost: " << solution.obj_value << std::endl;
        //! populate output with argmin vector
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vars; i++) {


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


 x    = a0 + a1*T + a2*T2 + a3*T3 + a4*T4 + a5*T5;
 y    = b0 + b1*T + b2*T2 + b3*T3 + b4*T4 + b5*T5;
 vx   = a1 + 2*a2*T + 3*a3*T2 + 4*b4*T3 + 5*a5*T4;
 vy   = b1 + 2*b2*T + 3*b3*T2 + 4*b4*T3 + 5*b5*T4;


vx   = a1 + 2*a2*T + 3*a3*T2 + 4*b4*T3 + 5*a5*T4;


vx   = a1 + 2*a2*T + 3*a3*T2 + 4*a4*T3 + 5*a5*T4;


