Scipy SLSQP约束优化并不总是有效

时间:2018-06-11 16:53:09

标签: python python-3.x scipy mathematical-optimization

我正在尝试使用SLSQP方法使用scipy.optimize.minimize最小化函数。但有时它会失败并显示错误消息'超出迭代限制'或者' linesearch'的正方向导数,对于完全相同的输入。




con = {"type": "eq", "fun": self.sum}
con2 = {"type": "ineq", "fun": self.volatility_ceiling}
con3 = {"type": "ineq", "fun": self.volatility_floor}
cons = (con, con2, con3)

#allocation_list is a list of percentages for each stock in the portfolio

optimized_result = minimize(self.gain, allocation_list, constraints=cons, bounds=self.bounds, method="SLSQP", options={"maxiter": 400})

def gain(self, allocation_list):
    gain_list = [get_gain(id) for id in self.id_list]
    gain_avg = np.average(gain_list, weights=allocation_list)
    return (gain_avg) * (-1)

def sum(self, allocation_list):
    return np.sum(allocation_list) - 1

def volatility_ceiling(self, allocation_list):
    standard_dev = self.vol_portfolio(lista_aloc)
    if self.current_risk_profile == "PROFILE_1":
        return (standard_dev * (-1)) + 0.009
    elif self.current_risk_profile == "PROFILE_2":
        return (standard_dev * (-1)) + 0.011
    elif self.current_risk_profile == "PROFILE_3":
        return (standard_dev * (-1)) + 0.015
    elif self.current_risk_profile == "PROFILE_4":
        return (standard_dev * (-1)) + 0.024
    #The function continues until PROFILE_10

def volatility_ceiling(self, allocation_list):
    standard_dev = self.vol_portfolio(allocation_list)
    if self.current_risk_profile == "PROFILE_1":
        return standard_dev - 0.0
    elif self.current_risk_profile == "PROFILE_2":
        return standard_dev - 0.009
    elif self.current_risk_profile == "PROFILE_3":
        return standard_dev - 0.011
    elif self.current_risk_profile == "PROFILE_4":
        return standard_dev - 0.015
    #The function continues until PROFILE_10

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我建议修改'单位'在你的模型中的美元。例如,而不是'美元'切换到数千美元'在代表预算时。为此,请使用' 500'而不是' 500,000',并相应地解释结果。例如,如果分配了' 3.5'单位是从可用预算中获得的资产,这相当于3,500美元等等......

