
时间:2018-06-07 17:48:18

标签: r parallel-processing



  1. 有一个可变长度的矢量;
  2. 需要以特定方式对其进行转换:

    初始载体 - 235416749 ......

    预期产出 - 235556779 ......

  3. 使用群集的应用程序执行转换(请参阅下面的脚本)。



    str(chunkSplit)#initial chunks   清单4   $:int [1:24950] 56583 22166 49905 20040 60870 49899 85589 96478 81119 36474
      $:int [1:25050] 22652 31943 57699 58051 33846 27328 34429 84989 16295 29308
      $:int [1:25050] 42641 69941 86274 86395 7499 62027 91978 55004 73069 1528
      $:int [1:24950] 57401 60632 6284 43612 40011 31096 9494 24453 81221 99553


    str(cluster_Output)#updated chunk   清单4   $:int [1:24950] 56583 56583 56583 56583 60870 60870 85589 96478 96478 96478
      $:int [1:25050] 22652 31943 57699 58051 58051 58051 58051 84989 84989 84989
      $:int [1:25050] 42641 69941 86274 86395 86395 86395 91978 91978 91978 91978
      $:int [1:24950] 57401 60632 60632 60632 60632 60632 60632 60632 81221 99553



    脚本期望以正确的方式生成整体输出(由其他块组成) 因此,必须利用前一个的变换结果(第二个块的第一个元素> =第一个块的最后一个元素)的帐户来变换每个下一个块。


    我想这是因为每个工人都会产生自己的环境。 如果您咨询我如何解决集群中的问题(集群内部块之间的数据传输),我将非常感激。


    # Test cluster apllication
    # the function to be applied in the cluster
    dochunks <- function(x) {
      # chunk counter
      step2 <<- step2 + 1
      xxx <- unlist(x)
      x_end <- length(xxx)
      # if it is the 2nd and higher chunks -> the 1st element of the vector
      # assigned as max_val
      if (max_val > xxx[1] & step2 >= 2) xxx[1] <- max_val
      i <- 1
      for (i in 1:x_end) {
        if ((i + 1) <= x_end & xxx[i] > xxx[i + 1]) {
          xxx[i + 1] <- xxx[i]
      max_val <<- xxx[x_end]
    # the max value
    size <- 100000
    # test vector
    myvector <- sample(100000, size, replace = TRUE)
    # set up workers to process the vector
    workers <- 4
    # set up the cluster
    cls <- makeCluster(workers)
    # split test vector into chunks with the number of workers
    chunkSplit <- clusterSplit(cls, myvector)
    # max value of each chunk
    max_val <<- 0
    # temporary vector for each chunk
    xxx <<- 0
    # counter of the application of the each chunk
    step2 <<- 0
    # export vars into the cluster
    clusterExport(cls, varlist = c("max_val", "step2"), envir = environment())
    # run the cluster
    cluster_Output <- clusterApply(cls, chunkSplit, dochunks)
    # quit the cluster
    # compare initial and updated chunks
    str(chunkSplit) # initial chunks
    str(cluster_Output) # output chunks

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