---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Pattern | Page URL 1 | Page URL 2 | Page URL 3 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | test | example.net/test/ | www.test.com | www.notest.com | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | q=age | another.com?q=age | test.com/q=age | test.com/q=lol | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Public Sub FindStrings()
Dim rng1 As Excel.Range
Dim rng2 As Excel.Range
Set rng1 = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
Set rng2 = ActiveSheet.Range("A2")
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim searchVal As String
For i = 3 To Len(rng2)
For j = 1 To Len(rng1)
searchVal = Mid(rng1, j, i)
If Len(searchVal) < i Then Exit For
If InStr(1, rng2, searchVal) Then Debug.Print searchVal
Next j
Next i
End Sub
中输入 example.net/test
中输入 www.test.com
Option Explicit
Public Sub CompareStrings()
Dim Arr As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim StartRange As Excel.Range
Dim SearchRange As Excel.Range
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim ComparableRange As Variant
Dim Comparable As Integer
Dim Compared As Integer
Dim SearchVal As String
Set StartRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
Counter = 0
For Each ComparableRange In ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A2")
Set SearchRange = Range(StartRange.Offset(Counter), Cells(StartRange.Offset(Counter).Row, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft))
Arr = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(SearchRange.Value))
Debug.Print "Row " & SearchRange.Row & ":"
For j = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
For i = j + 1 To UBound(Arr)
For Comparable = 4 To Len(Arr(j))
For Compared = 1 To Len(Arr(i))
SearchVal = Mid(Arr(j), Compared, Comparable)
If InStr(1, SearchVal, ".") = 0 Then
If InStr(1, SearchVal, "/") = 0 Then
If Len(SearchVal) < Comparable Then Exit For
If InStr(1, Arr(i), SearchVal) > 0 Then Debug.Print vbTab & SearchVal
End If
End If
Next Compared
Next Comparable
Next i
Next j
Counter = Counter + 1
Next ComparableRange
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Option Explicit
Public Function CommonString(rng As Range, iMinLen As Integer, Optional strDelimiter As String = ",") As String
'Finds the maximum number of cells (iMax) in "rng" that have a common substring of length at least "iMinLen".
'The function returns a string with the format "iMax: substring1,substring2,substring3..."
' where substring1, substring2, etc. are unique substrings found in exactly iMax cells.
'The output does not include any substrings of the unique substrings.
'The delimter between substrings can be specified by the optional parameter "strDelimiter".
'If no common substrings of length at least "iMinLen" are found, "CommonString" will return an empty string.
Dim blnRemove() As Boolean
Dim dicSubStrings As Object 'records the number of times substrings are found in pairwise string comparisons
Dim iCandidates As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim iCurrCommon As Integer
Dim iCurrLen As Integer
Dim iMax As Integer
Dim iMaxCommon As Integer
Dim iNumStrings As Integer
Dim iOutCount As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iString1 As Integer
Dim iString2 As Integer
Dim iSubStr1 As Integer
Dim iSubStr2 As Integer
Dim lngSumLen As Long
Dim str1D() As String
Dim strCandidates() As String
Dim strOut() As String
Dim strSim() As String
Dim strSub As String
Dim vKey As Variant
Dim vStringsIn() As Variant
Set dicSubStrings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
vStringsIn = rng.Value
iNumStrings = Application.CountA(rng)
ReDim str1D(1 To iNumStrings)
' pull the strings into a 1-D array
For iRow = 1 To UBound(vStringsIn, 1)
For iCol = 1 To UBound(vStringsIn, 2)
iCurrLen = Len(vStringsIn(iRow, iCol))
If iCurrLen > 0 Then
iString1 = iString1 + 1
str1D(iString1) = vStringsIn(iRow, iCol)
lngSumLen = lngSumLen + iCurrLen
End If
Next iCol
Next iRow
'initialize the array that will hold the substrings to output
ReDim strOut(1 To lngSumLen - iNumStrings * (iMinLen - 1))
'find common substrings from all pairwise combination of strings
For iString1 = 1 To iNumStrings - 1
For iString2 = iString1 + 1 To iNumStrings
strSim = Sim2Strings(str1D(iString1), str1D(iString2), iMinLen)
'loop through all common substrings
For iSubStr1 = 1 To UBound(strSim)
If dicSubStrings.Exists(strSim(iSubStr1)) Then
iCurrCommon = dicSubStrings(strSim(iSubStr1)) + 1
dicSubStrings(strSim(iSubStr1)) = iCurrCommon
If iCurrCommon > iMaxCommon Then iMaxCommon = iCurrCommon
Else 'add common substrings to the "dicSubStrings" dictionary
dicSubStrings.Add strSim(iSubStr1), 1
If iMaxCommon = 0 Then iMaxCommon = 1
End If
Next iSubStr1
Next iString2
Next iString1
If dicSubStrings.Count = 0 Then Exit Function
ReDim strCandidates(1 To dicSubStrings.Count)
'add the candidate substrings to the "strCandidates" array
'candidate substrings are those found in exactly "iMaxCommon" pairwise comparisons
For Each vKey In dicSubStrings.keys
If dicSubStrings(vKey) = iMaxCommon Then
iCandidates = iCandidates + 1
strCandidates(iCandidates) = CStr(vKey)
End If
Next vKey
ReDim blnRemove(1 To iCandidates)
iOutCount = iCandidates
'keep only the candidate substrings that are not a substring within another candidate substring
For iSubStr1 = 1 To iCandidates - 1
If Not blnRemove(iSubStr1) Then
For iSubStr2 = 1 To iCandidates - 1
If Not blnRemove(iSubStr2) Then
If Len(strCandidates(iSubStr1)) <> Len(strCandidates(iSubStr2)) Then
If Len(strCandidates(iSubStr1)) > Len(strCandidates(iSubStr2)) Then
If InStr(strCandidates(iSubStr1), strCandidates(iSubStr2)) > 0 Then
blnRemove(iSubStr2) = True
iOutCount = iOutCount - 1
End If
If InStr(strCandidates(iSubStr2), strCandidates(iSubStr1)) > 0 Then
blnRemove(iSubStr1) = True
iOutCount = iOutCount - 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next iSubStr2
End If
Next iSubStr1
ReDim strOut(1 To iOutCount)
iOutCount = 0
'add the successful candidates to "strOut"
For iSubStr1 = 1 To iCandidates
If Not blnRemove(iSubStr1) Then
iOutCount = iOutCount + 1
strOut(iOutCount) = strCandidates(iSubStr1)
End If
Next iSubStr1
'convert "iMaxCommon" (pairwise counts) to number of cells (iMax) by solving the formula:
'(iMax ^ 2 - iMax) / 2 = iMaxCommon
iMax = ((8 * iMaxCommon + 1) ^ 0.5 + 1) / 2
CommonString = iMax & ": " & Join(strOut, strDelimiter)
End Function
Private Function Sim2Strings(str1 As String, str2 As String, iMinLen As Integer) As String()
'Returns a list of unique substrings common to both "str1" and "str2" that
' have a length of at least "iMinLen".
Dim dicInList As Object
Dim iCharFrom As Integer
Dim iLen1 As Integer
Dim iSearchLen As Integer
Dim iSubStr As Integer
Dim strCurr As String
Dim strList() As String
Dim vKey As Variant
iLen1 = Len(str1)
Set dicInList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'add common substrings to the "dicInList" dictionary
For iCharFrom = 1 To iLen1 - iMinLen + 1
For iSearchLen = iMinLen To iLen1 - iCharFrom + 1
strCurr = Mid(str1, iCharFrom, iSearchLen)
If InStr(str2, strCurr) = 0 Then
Exit For
If Not dicInList.Exists(strCurr) Then
dicInList.Add strCurr, 0
End If
End If
Next iSearchLen
Next iCharFrom
If dicInList.Count = 0 Then
ReDim strList(0)
ReDim Preserve strList(1 To dicInList.Count)
'output the keys in the "dicInList" dictionary to the "strList" array
For Each vKey In dicInList.keys
iSubStr = iSubStr + 1
strList(iSubStr) = vKey
Next vKey
End If
Sim2Strings = strList
End Function