
时间:2018-06-04 23:31:10

标签: sql postgresql common-table-expression turing-complete postgres-9.6


create table tree
    id int,
    parent_id int REFERENCES tree(id),
    operator varchar,
    primary key(id)

insert into tree values
(1, null, 'AND'),
(2, 1, 'NOT'),
(3, 1, 'OR'),
(4, 2, 'AND'),
(5, 3, 'Y'),
(6, 3, 'Z'),
(7, 4, 'K'),
(8, 4, 'OR'),
(9, 8, 'X'),
(10, 8, 'A'),
(11, 8, 'B')




with RECURSIVE tree1(id, parent_id, operator, n, cc) as (
    select t.*, 0, cc.cc 
    from tree t, lateral(select count(*) as cc from tree tt where tt.parent_id = t.id) cc 
    where t.parent_id is null
    union ALL
    select t.*, n + 1, cc.cc
    FROM tree t INNER JOIN tree1 a on t.parent_id = a.id, lateral(select count(*) as cc from tree tt where tt.parent_id = t.id) cc
), tree2(id, parent_id, operator, n, cc) AS (
    select t.id, t.parent_id, t.operator, t.n, t.cc
    from tree1 t
    where t.n = (select max(n) from tree1)
    union (
        select p.id, p.parent_id, p.operator || '(' || string_agg(c.operator, ', ') || ')' as operator, p.n, p.cc
        from tree1 p, tree2 c
        where p.id = c.parent_id
        group by p.id, p.parent_id, p.operator, p.n, p.cc
        select p.id, p.parent_id, p.operator, p.n, p.cc
        from tree1 p, tree2 c 
        where p.cc = 0 and p.n + 1 = c.n
select * from tree2


文档说CTE是图灵完成但我无法找到计算所需结果的方法。我错过了什么或者我对图灵完整性的理解是错误的吗? :)

(我有Postgres 9.6)

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