
时间:2018-06-02 06:36:13

标签: c# arrays algorithm data-structures dynamic



public static void Main(string[] args)
    Dictionary<char, int> dct = new Dictionary<char, int>
        { '0', 0 },
        { '1', 0 },
        { '2', 0 },
        { '3', 0 },
        { '4', 0 },
        { '5', 0 },
        { '6', 0 },
        { '7', 0 },
        { '8', 0 },
        { '9', 0 }

    string[] arr = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
        string str = string.Join("", arr[i].Distinct());
        for (int j = 0; j < str.Length; j++)
            int count = dct[str[j]];
            if (count == i || (i > 0 && arr[i - 1].Contains(str[j])))
                dct[str[j]] = count;
            else dct[str[j]] = 1;
    string s = dct.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value > r.Value ? l : r).Key.ToString();

例如, 12 23 231 答案是2,因为它发生3次

该数组可以包含10 ^ 18个元素。


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)



该数组可以包含10 ^ 18个元素。

正在从磁盘读取这个数组?假设每个元素是两个字节,那就是200万TB的驱动器只用于阵列。 我认为这不适合记忆。您必须使用流媒体解决方案。




答案 1 :(得分:0)


12 23 231 - &gt; &#34; 1223231&#34; ,循环并计算它。


答案 2 :(得分:0)


static void Main(string[] args)
        List<char> numbers = new List<char>();
        Dictionary<char, int> dct = new Dictionary<char, int>()
            { '0',0 },
            { '1',0 },
            { '2',0 },
            { '3',0 },
            { '4',0 },
            { '5',0 },
            { '6',0 },
            { '7',0 },
            { '8',0 },
            { '9',0 },

        string option;

            Console.Write("Enter number: ");
            string number = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter 'X' if u want to finish work: ");
            option = Console.ReadLine();

        } while (option.ToLower() != "x");

        foreach(char c in numbers)

        foreach(var keyValue in dct)
            Console.WriteLine($"Char {keyValue.Key} was used {keyValue.Value} times");


答案 3 :(得分:0)





public unsafe class Mine : Benchmark<List<string>, char>
   protected override char InternalRun()
      var result = new int[10];
      var asd = Input.Select(x => new string(x.Distinct().ToArray())).ToList();
      var raw = string.Join("", asd);

      fixed (char* pInput = raw)
         var len = pInput + raw.Length;
         for (var p = pInput; p < len; p++)
            result[*p - 48]++;

      return (char)(result.ToList().IndexOf(result.Max()) + '0');

<强> Mine2


public unsafe class Mine2 : Benchmark<List<string>, char>
   protected override char InternalRun()
      var result = new int[10];
      var current = new int[10];
      var raw = string.Join(" ", Input);

      fixed (char* pInput = raw)
         var len = pInput + raw.Length;
         for (var p = pInput; p < len; p++)
            if (*p != ' ')
               current[*p - 48] = 1;
               for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                  result[i] += current[i];
                  current[i] = 0;


      return (char)(result.ToList().IndexOf(result.Max()) + '0');

<强> Mine3


public unsafe class Mine3 : Benchmark<List<string>, char>
   protected override char InternalRun()
      var result = new int[10];

      foreach (var item in Input)
         fixed (char* pInput = item)
            var current = new int[10];
            var len = pInput + item.Length;

            for (var p = pInput; p < len; p++)
               current[*p - 48] = 1;

            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
               result[i] += current[i];
               current[i] = 0;

      return (char)(result.ToList().IndexOf(result.Max()) + '0');

结果.Net Framework 4.7.1

Mode            : Release
Test Framework  : .Net Framework 4.7.1
Benchmarks runs : 10 times (averaged)

Scale : 10,000
Name     |   Average |   Fastest | StDv |     Cycles | Pass |        Gain
Mine3    |  0.533 ms |  0.431 ms | 0.10 |  1,751,372 | Base |      0.00 %
Mine2    |  0.994 ms |  0.773 ms | 0.38 |  3,100,896 | Yes  |    -86.63 %
Mine     |  8.122 ms |  7.012 ms | 1.29 | 27,480,083 | Yes  | -1,424.78 %
Original | 20.729 ms | 16.044 ms | 4.56 | 65,316,558 | No   | -3,791.47 %

Scale : 100,000
Name     |    Average |    Fastest |  StDv |      Cycles | Pass |        Gain
Mine3    |   4.766 ms |   4.475 ms |  0.34 |  16,140,716 | Base |      0.00 %
Mine2    |   8.424 ms |   7.890 ms |  0.33 |  28,577,416 | Yes  |    -76.76 %
Mine     |  96.650 ms |  93.066 ms |  3.35 | 327,615,266 | Yes  | -1,927.94 %
Original | 163.342 ms | 154.070 ms | 12.61 | 550,038,934 | No   | -3,327.32 %

Scale : 1,000,000
Name     |      Average |      Fastest |  StDv |        Cycles | Pass |        Gain
Mine3    |    49.827 ms |    48.600 ms |  1.19 |   169,162,589 | Base |      0.00 %
Mine2    |   106.334 ms |    97.641 ms |  6.53 |   359,773,719 | Yes  |   -113.41 %
Mine     | 1,051.600 ms | 1,000.731 ms | 35.75 | 3,511,515,189 | Yes  | -2,010.51 %
Original | 1,640.385 ms | 1,588.431 ms | 65.50 | 5,538,915,638 | No   | -3,192.18 %

结果.Net Core 2.0

Mode            : Release
Test Framework  : Core 2.0
Benchmarks runs : 10 times (averaged)

Scale : 10,000
Name     |   Average |   Fastest | StDv |     Cycles | Pass |        Gain
Mine3    |  0.476 ms |  0.353 ms | 0.12 |  1,545,995 | Base |      0.00 %
Mine2    |  0.554 ms |  0.551 ms | 0.00 |  1,883,570 | Yes  |    -16.23 %
Mine     |  7.585 ms |  5.875 ms | 1.27 | 25,580,339 | Yes  | -1,492.28 %
Original | 21.380 ms | 16.263 ms | 6.46 | 65,741,909 | No   | -4,388.14 %

Scale : 100,000
Name     |    Average |    Fastest |  StDv |      Cycles | Pass |        Gain
Mine3    |   3.946 ms |   3.685 ms |  0.25 |  13,409,181 | Base |      0.00 %
Mine2    |   6.203 ms |   5.796 ms |  0.33 |  21,042,340 | Yes  |    -57.21 %
Mine     |  72.975 ms |  68.599 ms |  4.13 | 246,471,960 | Yes  | -1,749.41 %
Original | 161.400 ms | 145.664 ms | 19.37 | 544,703,761 | Yes  | -3,990.40 %

Scale : 1,000,000
Name     |      Average |      Fastest |  StDv |        Cycles | Pass |        Gain
Mine3    |    41.036 ms |    38.928 ms |  2.47 |   139,045,736 | Base |      0.00 %
Mine2    |    71.283 ms |    68.777 ms |  2.49 |   241,525,269 | Yes  |    -73.71 %
Mine     |   749.250 ms |   720.809 ms | 27.79 | 2,479,171,863 | Yes  | -1,725.84 %
Original | 1,517.240 ms | 1,477.321 ms | 48.94 | 5,142,422,700 | No   | -3,597.35 %



答案 4 :(得分:0)


public class Program
    public static int arrLength = 0;
    public static string[] arr;
    public static Dictionary<char, int> dct = new Dictionary<char, int>();

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        dct.Add('0', 0);
        dct.Add('1', 0);
        dct.Add('2', 0);
        dct.Add('3', 0);
        dct.Add('4', 0);
        dct.Add('5', 0);
        dct.Add('6', 0);
        dct.Add('7', 0);
        dct.Add('8', 0);
        dct.Add('9', 0);

        arr = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
        arrLength = arr.Length;
        foreach (string str in arr)
            char[] ch = str.ToCharArray();
            ch = ch.Distinct<char>().ToArray();
            foreach (char c in ch)
                Exists(c, Array.IndexOf(arr, str));

        int val = dct.Values.Max();
        foreach(KeyValuePair<char,int> v in dct.Where(x => x.Value == val))
            Console.WriteLine("Common digit {0} with frequency {1} ",v.Key,v.Value+1);

    public static bool Exists(char c, int pos)
        int count = 0;
        if (pos == arrLength - 1)
            return false;

        for (int i = pos; i < arrLength - 1; i++)
            if (arr[i + 1].ToCharArray().Contains(c))
                if (count > dct[c])
                    dct[c] = count;
        return true;

答案 5 :(得分:0)

As somebody else pointed out, if you have 10^18 numbers then this is going to be a lot more data than you can fit into memory. So you need a streaming solution. You also don't want to spend a lot of time on memory allocation or converting strings to character arrays, calling functions to de-duplicate digits, etc. Ideally, you need a solution that looks at each character once.

The memory requirement of the program below is very small: just two small arrays of long integers.

The algorithm I developed maintains two arrays of counts per digit. One is the maximum number of consecutive occurrences of a digit, and the other is the most recent count of consecutive occurrences.

The code itself reads the file character-by-character, accumulating digits until it encounters a character that is not a digit, then it updates the current counts array for each digit encountered. If the current count exceeds the maximum count, then the max count for that digit is updated. If a digit doesn't appear in a number, then its current count is reset to 0.

The occurrence of individual digits in a number is maintained by setting bits in the digits variable. That way, a number like 1221 will not count the digits twice.

using (var input = File.OpenText("filename"))
    var maxCounts = new long[]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    var latestCounts = new long[]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    char prevChar = ' ';

    word digits = 0;
    while (!input.EndOfStream)
        var c = input.Read();

        // If the character is a digit, set the corresponding bit
        if (char.IsDigit(c))
            digits |= (1 << (c-'0'));
            prevChar = c;

        // test here to prevent resetting counts when there are multiple non-digit
        // characters between numbers.
        if (!char.IsDigit(prevChar))
        prevChar = c;

        // digits has a bit set for every digit
        // that occurred in the number.
        // Update the counts arrays.

        // For each of the first 10 bits, update the corresponding count.
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            if ((digits & 1) == 1)
                if (latestCounts[i] > maxCounts[i])
                    maxCounts[i] = latestCounts[i];
                latestCounts[i] = 0;
            // Shift the next bit into place.
            digits >> 1;
        digits = 0;

This code minimizes the processing required, but the program's running time will be dominated by the speed at which you can read the file. There are optimizations you can make to increase the input speed, but ultimately you're limited to your system's data transfer speed.