
时间:2018-06-01 13:29:13

标签: python line least-squares data-fitting

我有一些空间数据点(x,y,z),所有坐标都有错误,我想在它们上面插一条直线。我努力寻找最小化的chi ^ 2。我找到了2D案例here(数字收件人)。see also this pic for just the formula of the chi^2

但我在3D中解决问题 - 有没有人有经验/想法?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

对于2D案例,有一篇论文:Krystek和Anton,Meas,Sci。 TECHNOL。 18 (2007)3438-3442。我相信这可以推广到3D。结果将避免迭代过程,但细节可能非常麻烦。


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as m3d
import numpy as np
from random import random
from scipy.optimize import leastsq, fmin

def line_points( s, p, t ):
    return [ s * t[0] + p[0], s * t[1] + p[1], s * t[2] + p[2] ]

def weighted_dist( s, p, t, xVec, sigmaVec ):
    q = line_points( s, p, t )
    d  = ( q[0] - xVec[0] )**2 / sigmaVec[0]**2
    d += ( q[1] - xVec[1] )**2 / sigmaVec[1]**2
    d += ( q[2] - xVec[2] )**2 / sigmaVec[2]**2
    return np.sqrt( d )

def weighted_od( p, t, xVec, sigmaVec ):
    f = lambda s: weighted_dist( s, p, t, xVec, sigmaVec )
    sol = fmin( f, 0, disp=False )
    d = weighted_dist( sol[0], p, t, xVec, sigmaVec )
    return d

def residuals( params, data, sigmas ): ###data of type [ allx, ally, allz], sigma of type [allsx, allsy, allsz]
    px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz = params
    out = list()
    for x0, y0, z0, sx, sy, sz in zip( *( data + sigmas ) ):
        out += [weighted_od( [ py, py, pz ], [ tx, ty, tz ], [ x0, y0, z0 ], [ sx, sy, sz ] ) ]
    print sum(out)
    return out

myP = np.array( [ 1 , 1, 3 ] )
myT = np.array( [ -1 ,-3, .8 ] )
myT /= np.linalg.norm( myT )

sList = np.linspace( -3, 3, 100 )
lineList = [ line_points( s, myP, myT ) for s in sList] 
xData = [p[0] + .2 * ( 2 * random() - 1 ) for p in lineList ]
yData = [p[1] + .4 * ( 2 * random() - 1 ) for p in lineList ]
zData = [p[2] + .8 * ( 2 * random() - 1 ) for p in lineList ]

xyzData = [ xData, yData, zData ]
sssData = [ len(xData) * [.2], len(xData) * [.4], len(xData) * [.8] ]

residuals( [ 1, 1, 3, -1,-3,.8 ],  xyzData, sssData )
myFit, err = leastsq(residuals, [ 1, 1, 2 , -1, -2, -1 ], args=( xyzData, sssData ) )
print myFit

fitP = myFit[:3]
fitT = myFit[3:]
fitTN= np.linalg.norm( fitT )
fitT = [ fitT[0] / fitTN, fitT[1] / fitTN, fitT[2] / fitTN ]
fitLineList = [ line_points( s, fitP, fitT ) for s in sList ] 

ax = m3d.Axes3D(plt.figure() )
ax.plot( *zip(*lineList) )
ax.plot( *zip(*fitLineList) )
ax.scatter3D( xData, yData, zData )



[1. 1.00009764 2.98911266 121.35860193 364.44920212      -92.27043484]


data and fit

