
时间:2018-05-29 15:46:13

标签: c arrays


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

uint8_t outData;
uint8_t myDatBuf[32];

typedef struct {
    uint8_t * buffer;
    int head;
    int tail;
    int maxLen;
} ring_buffer_t;

ring_buffer_t rb;

int ring_buffer_get(ring_buffer_t *c, uint8_t *data);
int ring_buffer_put(ring_buffer_t *c, uint8_t data);
int ring_buffer_full(ring_buffer_t *c);
int ring_buffer_has_data(ring_buffer_t *c);

int main()
    uint8_t a = 0;

    rb.buffer = myDatBuf;
    rb.head = 0;
    rb.tail = 0;
    rb.maxLen = 5;

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {          

        if (ring_buffer_put(&rb, i) == -1) { // rb is full

            printf("Ring Buffer is full! Lets empty it\n\r");       

            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) {

                if (ring_buffer_get(&rb, &outData) == - 1) {        
                    printf("Buffer is Empty\n\r");              
                } else {
                    printf("val: %d\n\r", outData);
    printf("Empty the remaining bytes\n\r");

    while (ring_buffer_has_data(&rb)) {

        if (ring_buffer_get(&rb, &outData) == -1) {
            printf("Buffer is Empty\n\r");
        else {
            printf("Rest: %d\n\r", outData);        
    return 0;

int ring_buffer_put(ring_buffer_t *c, uint8_t data)
    // next is where head will point to after this write.
    int next = c->head + 1;
    if (next >= c->maxLen) {
        next = 0;

    if (next == c->tail) { // check if circular buffer is full
        return -1;
    } // and return with an error.

    c->buffer[c->head] = data; // Load data and then move
    c->head = next;            // head to next data offset.
    return 0;  // return success to indicate successful push.

int ring_buffer_get(ring_buffer_t *c, uint8_t *data)
    // if the head isn't ahead of the tail, we don't have any characters
    if (c->head == c->tail) // check if circular buffer is empty
        return -1;          // and return with an error

                            // next is where tail will point to after this read.
    int next = c->tail + 1;
    if (next >= c->maxLen)
        next = 0;
    uint8_t t = c->tail;
    *data = c->buffer[t]; // Read data and then move

    c->tail = next;             // tail to next data offset.

    return 0;  // return success to indicate successful pop.
int ring_buffer_full(ring_buffer_t *c) {
    return c->head  == c->maxLen ? 1 : 0;
int ring_buffer_has_data(ring_buffer_t *c) {
    return (c->head != c->tail) ? 1 : 0;

这是输出 - 如您所见,跳过了数组中的第5个元素。任何帮助表示赞赏。

Ring Buffer is full! Lets empty it

val: 0

val: 1

val: 2

val: 3

Buffer is Empty

Ring Buffer is full! Lets empty it

val: 5

val: 6

val: 7

val: 8

Buffer is Empty

Empty the remaining bytes

Rest: 10

Rest: 11

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

问题是head == tail是一个模棱两可的情况。这是否意味着缓冲区是空的,还是意味着它已满?你不可能两种方式。您似乎意识到了这一点,因为ring_buffer_puthead等于tail之前返回错误,从而避免了歧义。 ring_buffer_get还假设head == tail表示空缓冲区。事实上,这样一个maxLen == 5的环形缓冲区只能包含4个元素!



答案 1 :(得分:2)


  • 尾巴:最古老的角色(当头!=尾巴)
  • head:下一个角色将去哪里
  • tail == head =&gt;缓冲空
  • head =(tail - 1)modulo maxlen =&gt;缓冲区满(*)

这意味着您只能存储maxlen - 1个字符!



答案 2 :(得分:1)


所以我通常的方法是为缓冲区中的项目数量设置另一个变量,这样可以让作者轻松判断它是否已满,并且读者可以判断它是否为空。该变量需要定义为volatile,例如volatile int bufcount,因此它不会受编译器优化的影响。

它也应该是atomic,以保证在单个操作中使用递增或递减指令而不是读取 - 修改 - 写入来改变其值不会被中断。