
时间:2018-05-24 18:53:30

标签: directx-11

我还在学习Directx 11。

我正在关注Rastertek Directx 11教程11,我能够在屏幕上渲染2D纹理,这里是教程的链接:http://www.rastertek.com/dx11tut11.html


我的猜测是我们必须在GraphicsClass :: Render

bool GraphicsClass::Render(float rotation)
    D3DXMATRIX worldMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, orthoMatrix;
    bool result;

    // Clear the buffers to begin the scene.
    m_D3D->BeginScene(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    // Generate the view matrix based on the camera's position.

    // Get the world, view, projection, and ortho matrices from the camera and d3d objects.

    // Turn off the Z buffer to begin all 2D rendering.

    // Put the bitmap vertex and index buffers on the graphics pipeline to prepare them for drawing.
    result = m_Bitmap->Render(m_D3D->GetDeviceContext(), 100, 100);
        return false;

    // Render the bitmap with the texture shader.
    result = m_TextureShader->Render(m_D3D->GetDeviceContext(), m_Bitmap->GetIndexCount(), worldMatrix, viewMatrix, orthoMatrix, m_Bitmap->GetTexture());
        return false;

    // Turn the Z buffer back on now that all 2D rendering has completed.

    // Present the rendered scene to the screen.

    return true;

bool BitmapClass::Render(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, int positionX, int positionY)
    bool result;

    // Re-build the dynamic vertex buffer for rendering to possibly a different location on the screen.
    result = UpdateBuffers(deviceContext, positionX, positionY);
        return false;

    // Put the vertex and index buffers on the graphics pipeline to prepare them for drawing.

    return true;

bool BitmapClass::UpdateBuffers(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, int positionX, int positionY)
    float left, right, top, bottom;
    VertexType* vertices;
    D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
    VertexType* verticesPtr;
    HRESULT result;

    // If the position we are rendering this bitmap to has not changed then don't update the vertex buffer since it
    // currently has the correct parameters.
    if((positionX == m_previousPosX) && (positionY == m_previousPosY))
        return true;

    // If it has changed then update the position it is being rendered to.
    m_previousPosX = positionX;
    m_previousPosY = positionY;

    // Calculate the screen coordinates of the left side of the bitmap.
    left = (float)((m_screenWidth / 2) * -1) + (float)positionX;

    // Calculate the screen coordinates of the right side of the bitmap.
    right = left + (float)m_bitmapWidth;

    // Calculate the screen coordinates of the top of the bitmap.
    top = (float)(m_screenHeight / 2) - (float)positionY;

    // Calculate the screen coordinates of the bottom of the bitmap.
    bottom = top - (float)m_bitmapHeight;

    // Create the vertex array.
    vertices = new VertexType[m_vertexCount];
        return false;

    // Load the vertex array with data.
    // First triangle.
    vertices[0].position = D3DXVECTOR3(left, top, 0.0f);  // Top left.
    vertices[0].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f);

    vertices[1].position = D3DXVECTOR3(right, bottom, 0.0f);  // Bottom right.
    vertices[1].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f);

    vertices[2].position = D3DXVECTOR3(left, bottom, 0.0f);  // Bottom left.
    vertices[2].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f);

    // Second triangle.
    vertices[3].position = D3DXVECTOR3(left, top, 0.0f);  // Top left.
    vertices[3].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f);

    vertices[4].position = D3DXVECTOR3(right, top, 0.0f);  // Top right.
    vertices[4].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f);

    vertices[5].position = D3DXVECTOR3(right, bottom, 0.0f);  // Bottom right.
    vertices[5].texture = D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f);

    // Lock the vertex buffer so it can be written to.
    result = deviceContext->Map(m_vertexBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource);
        return false;

    // Get a pointer to the data in the vertex buffer.
    verticesPtr = (VertexType*)mappedResource.pData;

    // Copy the data into the vertex buffer.
    memcpy(verticesPtr, (void*)vertices, (sizeof(VertexType) * m_vertexCount));

    // Unlock the vertex buffer.
    deviceContext->Unmap(m_vertexBuffer, 0);

    // Release the vertex array as it is no longer needed.
    delete [] vertices;
    vertices = 0;

    return true;

void BitmapClass::RenderBuffers(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext)
    unsigned int stride;
    unsigned int offset;

    // Set vertex buffer stride and offset.
    stride = sizeof(VertexType); 
    offset = 0;

    // Set the vertex buffer to active in the input assembler so it can be rendered.
    deviceContext->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &m_vertexBuffer, &stride, &offset);

    // Set the index buffer to active in the input assembler so it can be rendered.
    deviceContext->IASetIndexBuffer(m_indexBuffer, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, 0);

    // Set the type of primitive that should be rendered from this vertex buffer, in this case triangles.



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


在DirectX和3D图形中,转换通常由4x4仿射变换矩阵表示,该矩阵执行三个连续的几何变换:一个从局部空间到世界空间(世界矩阵),一个从世界空间到以摄像机为中心的空间(视图矩阵),一个从以摄像机为中心的空间到“同质的剪辑空间”(投影矩阵)。您通常会听到这被称为WVP( W orld- V iew- P 投影)矩阵。


RxT vs. TxR


仔细观察,我可以看到你对这个问题的初步假设是对是错 - 你弄清楚问题是什么,但是错误解释了原因。

第一个主要问题 - 您的几何体完全在世界空间中指定。如果几何体永远不会移动,这很好,但这个问题的重点是让所述几何体移动,所以......

要解决这个问题,请以最简单的方式构建您的形状:以原点为中心,边长为1.这会将四个角改变为以下,假设+ X在右边,+ Y在向上,并且+ Z离开(进入屏幕):( - 0.5,5,0),(0.5,0.5,0),( - 0.5,-0.5,0),(0.5,-0.5,0)。它们分别代表左上角,右上角,左下角和右下角。



bool BitmapClass::UpdateBuffers(int positionX, int positionY, float rotationAngle)
    D3DXMATRIX scaling, rotation, translation, worldMatrix;
    // If the position we are rendering this bitmap to has not changed,
    // don't update the world matrix since it currently has the correct 
    // parameters.
    if((positionX == m_previousPosX) && (positionY == m_previousPosY))
        return true;
    // If it has changed then update the position it is being rendered to.
    m_previousPosX = positionX;
    m_previousPosY = positionY;

    // scale, rotate, and translate our unit square
    D3DXMatrixScaling(&scaling, m_bitmapWidth, m_bitmapHeight, 1);
    D3DXMatrixRotationZ(&rotation, rotationAngle);
    D3DXMatrixTranslation(&translation, positionX, positionY, 0);

    //Now concatenate all the transformations together,
    D3DXMatrixMultiply(&worldMatrix, &scaling, &rotation);
    D3DXMatrixMultiply(&worldMatrix, &worldMatrix, &translation);

    // And tell D3D this is our new world matrix.

    return true;
