虽然我可以使用可以处理分类变量的seaborn来制作相同的东西(https://seaborn.pydata.org/examples/scatterplot_categorical.html),但我不确定如何在ggplot2中表示分类变量。这有点类似于上一个问题(How to add 4 groups to make Categorical scatter plot with mean segments?),但每个组在我的案例中也有类别。这就是我的数据以宽泛的形式显示的方式(列为组,最后一列描述行的类别):
BL_CA_1 BL_CA_2 BL_CA_3 CA_BL_1 CA_BL_2 CA_BL_3 BL6_1 BL6_2 BL6_3 CA_1 CA_2 CA_3 Catagory
BL6_0 -0.656576 -0.930668 -0.56313 -0.798757 -1.28959 -0.99541 -0.154347 0.0172292 -0.0737639 -0.851593 -1.20257 -1.14919 mono:plus
BL6_1 3.57263 3.49639 3.4982 3.66428 3.72131 3.72738 4.30273 4.2434 4.34975 2.93424 2.91043 2.93532 mono:minus
BL6_2 5.20641 5.07323 5.05197 5.21741 5.24606 5.23684 5.40763 5.37346 5.43318 5.02805 5.00924 4.91372 mono:plus
BL6_3 5.20645 5.32332 5.36965 5.19996 5.1646 5.17797 6.26934 6.30538 6.29584 -2.17544 -1.70483 -1.77652 mono:minus
CAST_1 3.4924 3.57383 3.6345 3.66375 3.65961 3.72133 5.02467 5.27127 5.2847 0.226526 0.0656529 0.363539 mono:plus
CAST_2 2.06141 2.13846 2.0506 2.02542 2.09087 2.1134 2.50185 2.58112 2.48791 1.57613 1.70318 1.67168 mono:plus
CAST_3 -11.5074 -12.2199 -10.9278 -11.135 -11.63 -1.51775 -1.12501 -12.1658 -11.6888 -12.3539 -12.0911 -12.5457 bi:plus-minus