
时间:2018-05-17 15:27:34

标签: arrays


    library IEEE;

package logic_array_type is
constant number_of_PE: integer := 16; -- number of processing elements   
constant    data_width: integer := 8; -- size of datapath, can be changed. 
type vector_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0);--to allow use of signal as CurBlk(i) to connect to the ith generated instanciation of entity/component.
type vector_array2 is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(data_width downto 0);

end package logic_array_type;
library IEEE;
use work.logic_array_type.all;

entity MEengine is
           number_of_PE: integer := 16; -- number of processing elements   
              data_width: integer := 8; -- size of data_width, can be changed.   
              w: integer := 8); -- w value(size of datapath) can be changed. 

    Port ( reset : in  STD_LOGIC;------ To be indexed in future instantiations
           clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
           sel : in  STD_LOGIC;
           mv : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (w-1 downto 0));
end MEengine;

architecture Behavioral of MEengine is

        component ProEle is
             Generic(w: integer := 8); -- w value can be changed
                Port ( CurBlk : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (w-1 downto 0);
                  RefBlk1 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (w-1 downto 0);
                  RefBlk2 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (w-1 downto 0);
                  Sad : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (w downto 0);
                  SEL : in  STD_LOGIC;
                  clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
                  reset : in  STD_LOGIC;
                  lat_en : in  STD_LOGIC;                    -------------- future control for delay latches
                  Dlat : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (w-1 downto 0));
            end component ProEle;

---component specification--

for all : ProEle use entity work.ProEle(behavioral);

----internal signals-------

            signal CurBlk : vector_array(data_width-1 downto 0);
            signal RefBlk1 :vector_array (data_width-1 downto 0);
            signal RefBlk2 : vector_array (data_width-1 downto 0);
            signal Sad : vector_array2 (data_width downto 0);   
            signal lat_en : STD_LOGIC;                    -------------- future control for delay latches
            signal Dlat : vector_array (data_width-1 downto 0);

-----------create the processing elements---------
        gen_pro_ele: for i in 0 to number_of_PE-1 generate
        Processing_Element : ProEle port map(                          CurBlk => CurBlk(i), ------- pins to wires or sinals 
                                                                             RefBlk1 => RefBlk1(i),
                                                                             RefBlk2 => RefBlk2(i),
                                                                             Sad => Sad(i),
                                                                             SEL => SEL,
                                                                             clk => clk,
                                                                             reset => reset,
                                                                             lat_en => lat_en,
                                                                             Dlat => Dlat(i));
                                                    end generate gen_pro_ele;

end Behavioral;


第100行:指数值&lt; 8&gt;超出范围[7:0]的数组&lt; curblk&gt;

错误:HDLC编译器:1316-第101行:索引值&lt; 8&gt;超出范围[7:0]的数组&lt; refblk1&gt;

错误:HDLC编译器:1316-行102:索引值&lt; 8&gt;超出范围[7:0]的数组&lt; refblk2&gt;

错误:HDLC编译器:1316-第108行:索引值&lt; 8&gt;超出范围[7:0]的数组&lt; dlat&gt;

Line100是什么 - Processing_Element:ProEle端口映射(CurBlk =&gt; CurBlk(i),-------引脚连线或阴影

Line101 - RefBlk1 =&gt; RefBlk1(i)中,

Line102 - RefBlk2 =&gt; RefBlk2(i)中,

Line108 - Dlat =&gt; DLAT(I));


The rtl schematic for ProEle component can be found in this link

我真正不理解的是合成工具产生错误的原因  指数值&lt; 8&gt;超出范围[7:0]的数组&lt; curblk&gt;等等而不是生成16个ProEle组件实例,因为vector_array类型具有8bits(当前data_width)的自然范围,并且应该能够处理索引8-16,从而生成组件的16个实例。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

package logic_array_type is
constant number_of_PE: integer := 16; -- number of processing elements   
constant    data_width: integer := 8; -- size of datapath, can be changed. 
type vector_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0);--to allow use of signal as CurBlk(i) to connect to the ith generated instanciation of entity/component.
type vector_array2 is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(data_width downto 0);

end package logic_array_type;

错误在包中。数组范围声明表明我使用向量的最大长度作为我想循环的次数。 (自然范围&lt;&gt;)。  而我在生成语句中要求循环次数超过这些次数.......

gen_pro_ele:for i in 0 to number_of_PE-1 generate。
