
时间:2018-05-10 13:54:50

标签: .net timer f# immutability

我们需要一个定时器,它会在给定的时间间隔内触发一段时间,然后停止,我们想要异步等待定时器停止。当然,这可以使用System.Timers.Timer类来完成,但它有点麻烦并涉及使用AutoResetEvent或类似的。为了简化这个用例,我创建了一个自定义计时器类。作为一个F#项目,我使我的计时器不可变并基于代理,但我也希望与.NET计时器的实现方式保持一致。我查看了System.Timers.Timer参考源,它似乎包含System.Threading.Timer,它使用Win32 QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime API。因此,我在创建计时器时使用相同的API来管理计时器间隔。但是,我在测试时观察了我的计时器和System.Timers.Timer计时器之间的不同行为。




open System

module private Timer =
    open System.Runtime.InteropServices
    open System.Runtime.Versioning

    extern bool QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime (int64& value)

    let inline private queryUnbiasedInterruptTime () =
        let mutable ticks = 0L
        if QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime &ticks
        then Some ticks
        else None

    /// Get the current timestamp in 100-ns increments 
    let getTicks () =
        match queryUnbiasedInterruptTime() with
        | Some ticks -> ticks
        | _ -> DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks

type private TimerMessage =
| Start
| Stop
| Wait of AsyncReplyChannel<unit>

type ImmutableTimer (interval: TimeSpan, ?timeout: TimeSpan) =
    let zero = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0.0)
    let one = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1.0)
    let elapsed = Event<unit>()
    let intervalTicks = interval.Ticks
    let getNextInterval startTime = 
        match intervalTicks - (Timer.getTicks() - startTime) |> TimeSpan.FromTicks with
        // This feels like a hack, but is required to fix a near-zero next interval
        | x when x < one -> interval
        | x when x > zero -> x
        | _ -> zero
    let agent =
        <| fun inbox ->
            let rec loop isStarted (waiter: AsyncReplyChannel<unit> option) endTime (nextInterval: TimeSpan) =
                async {
                    let startTime = Timer.getTicks()
                        let! message = inbox.Receive(nextInterval.TotalMilliseconds |> Math.Ceiling |> int)
                        match message with
                        | Start -> 
                            match timeout with
                            | Some time -> return! getNextInterval startTime |> loop true waiter (Timer.getTicks() + time.Ticks |> DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc |> Some)
                            | None -> return! getNextInterval startTime |> loop true waiter None
                        | Stop -> 
                            match waiter with
                            | Some channel -> channel.Reply()
                            | None -> ()
                        | Wait channel -> 
                            return! getNextInterval startTime |> loop isStarted (Some channel) endTime
                    with | _ ->
                        if isStarted
                        then Async.Start <| async { elapsed.Trigger() }
                             match endTime with
                             | Some time ->
                                if DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(Timer.getTicks()) < time
                                then return! getNextInterval startTime |> loop isStarted waiter endTime
                                else match waiter with
                                     | Some channel -> channel.Reply()
                                     | None -> ()
                             | None -> return! getNextInterval startTime |> loop isStarted waiter endTime
                        else return! getNextInterval startTime |> loop isStarted waiter endTime
            interval |> loop false None None

    let start () = agent.Post Start
    let stop () = agent.Post Stop
    let wait () = agent.PostAndReply Wait
    let asyncWait () = agent.PostAndAsyncReply Wait

    new (interval, ?timeout) = 
        match timeout with
        | Some t -> ImmutableTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds interval, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds t)
        | None -> ImmutableTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds interval)

    new (intervalTicks, ?timeoutTicks) = 
        match timeoutTicks with
        | Some t -> ImmutableTimer(TimeSpan.FromTicks intervalTicks, TimeSpan.FromTicks t)
        | None -> ImmutableTimer(TimeSpan.FromTicks intervalTicks)

    member __.Elapsed = elapsed.Publish
    member __.Start () = start()
    member __.Stop () = stop()
    member __.Wait () = wait()
    member __.AsyncWait () = asyncWait ()
    member __.StartAndWait () = start(); wait()
    member __.StartAndAsyncWait () = start(); asyncWait()


let mutable count = 0
let timer = ImmutableTimer(1.0, 100.0)
let stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
timer.Elapsed |> Observable.subscribe (fun _ -> printfn "%A: %d" stopwatch.Elapsed <| System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(&count))

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