> xDT1[xDT1==""]<- NA
Error in as.POSIXlt.character(x, tz, ...) :
character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
主要与as.POSITct等有关。所以我试图选出正确的列,然后进行替换。元素是正确的,但组合(链)显示错误消息。 我尝试了其他帖子建议的sapply,lapply方法,但我认为问题在于如何传递值,而不是apply函数。 仍感到困惑。 请指教,非常感谢。
xDT1 <- data.table(date=as.POSIXct(paste0("2018-1-",sep=1:12)),SN=1:12, Val=rnorm(12) , # simulation of date, SN, and Value
Tag1=factor(rep(letters[4:6],2)),Tag2=factor(rep(LETTERS[9:11],2))) # simulation of tags
xDT1[3,4] <- "" # arbitrarily assign empty value
xDT1[7,5] <- "" # arbitrarily assign empty value
xDT1str <- lapply(xDT1,class) %>% unlist;xDT1str # get the class of each column
xWch1 <- names(xDT1str[which(xDT1str=="factor")]) # get the colnames of the "factorized" columns
xDT1[xDT1==""]<- NA # Failed as described
xDT1[,.SD,.SDcols=xWch1] # worked
xDT1[,.SD,.SDcols=xWch1]=="" # worked
xDT1[,.SD,.SDcols=xWch1][xDT1[,.SD,.SDcols=xWch1]==""] <- NA #Failed when chained.
> xDT1[,.SD,.SDcols=xWch1][xDT1[,.SD,.SDcols=xWch1]==""] <- NA
Error in `[<-.data.table`(`*tmp*`, , .SD, .SDcols = xWch1, value = list( :
unused argument (.SDcols = xWch1)