文件#1:crack.c, 输入crack.c
string HashedPassword;
string Hash = argv[1];
char Salt[2];
Salt[0] = Hash[0];
Salt[1] = Hash[1];
char Key1 = 'a';
int Counter = 1;
HashedPassword = crypt(&Key1, Salt); `Creates Hashed password from Key1 & stores in Variable Hashed password`
printf("key1 value is :%c & hashed Password is : %s\n", Key1, HashedPassword);
if(strcmp(Hash, HashedPassword) == 0) `Compares if Hash entered by user matches the Hashed password created from Key1`
printf("%c\n", Key1); `prints the value stored in key1 if the hashed password made from Key1 matches the hash entered by user`
return 0;
while( Counter <= 26 );
Ouput from crack.c
~/workspace/pset2/crack/ $ ./crack 50OqznXGVcOJU
key1 value is :a & hashed Password is : 506RGmWzsA7ws
key1 value is :b & hashed Password is : 50YG8tFx67moY
key1 value is :c & hashed Password is : 50Ebw7/ICYLEY
文件#2:test2.c, 在test2.c中输入
int main()
char Key1 = 'a';
string HashedPassword;
HashedPassword = crypt(&Key1, "50"); `Creates Hashed password from Key1 & stores in Variable Hashed password`
printf("key1 value is :%c & hashed Password is : %s\n", Key1, HashedPassword); `Prints the value of Key1 & hash created by crypt function`
printf("%s", HashedPassword);
/ *忽略斜杠中的行asdasad,kfanlkfdsnjn,m kdsafnn nmksdfl sdlkasdjaslkdhaslkdjahskj * /
Ouput from test2.c `Output for test.c`
~/workspace/ $ ./test2
key1 value is :a & hashed Password is : 50OqznXGVcOJU
50OqznXGVcOJU~/workspace/ $