我正在试图弄清楚如何设置我的胜利条件(当玩家将四个筹码排列为水平,垂直或对角线的相同颜色时)。遇到胜利条件时,将显示获胜消息,将1添加到玩家获胜和玩家损失变量,将文本添加到列表框,然后清除棋盘。 当用户使用以下代码按下开始按钮时,我设置了电路板:
btnStartGame.Enabled = false;
btnStartGame.Visible = false;
btnExitGame.Enabled = true;
btnExitGame.Visible = true;
//This for loop creates the buttons used for the gameplay
for (int i = 0; i < gameButtons.Length; i++)
int index = i;
this.gameButtons[i] = new Button();
int x = 50 + (i % 7) * 50;
int y = 50 + (i / 7) * 50;
this.gameButtons[i].Location = new System.Drawing.Point(x, y);
this.gameButtons[i].Name = "btn" + (index + 1);
this.gameButtons[i].Size = new System.Drawing.Size(50, 50);
this.gameButtons[i].TabIndex = i;
this.gameButtons[i].UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
this.gameButtons[i].Visible = true;
gameButtons[i].Click += (sender1, ex) => this.PlaceChip(sender1, index);
private void PlaceChip(object sender, int index)
var pressedButton = (Button)sender;
if (pressedButton.BackColor == Color.BlanchedAlmond)
var newBackColor = black ? Color.Red : Color.Black;
var buttonToChangeIndex = index;
while (buttonToChangeIndex + 7 < gameButtons.Count() &&
gameButtons[buttonToChangeIndex + 7].BackColor == Color.BlanchedAlmond)
buttonToChangeIndex += 7;
gameButtons[buttonToChangeIndex].BackColor = newBackColor;
black = !black;
目前我的Win Condition代码如下所示,我只是不确定我需要如何正确设置(假设我在某处犯了错误)或者我如何调用它并在我调用它时正确设置参数。
private void WinCondition(int a, int b, int c, int d)
if (gameButtons[a].BackColor == gameButtons[b].BackColor && gameButtons[a].BackColor == gameButtons[c].BackColor && gameButtons[a].BackColor == gameButtons[d].BackColor)
gamesPlayed += 1;
if (gameButtons[a].BackColor == Color.Red)
MessageBox.Show("Player 1 Wins!");
player1wins += 1;
player2loss += 1;
lstScoreBoard.Items.Add("Player One");
//add to file
MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Wins!");
player2wins += 1;
player1loss += 1;
lstScoreBoard.Items.Add("Player Two");
if(gamesPlayed == 5)
MessageBox.Show("Maximum number of games have been played!\nWin board will now be reset!");
gamesPlayed = 0;
player1wins = 0;
player2wins = 0;
player1loss = 0;
player2loss = 0;
} while (gamesPlayed > 5);