
时间:2018-04-20 19:57:26

标签: cuda

在CUDA中,如何为内核中的所有线程创建一个屏障来等待,直到 CPU 向该屏障发送一个安全/有帮助的信号继续进行?


我们在CPU工作负载中始终回收/重用线程。 CUDA甚至提供event个同步原语。也许提供更传统的信号对象可能是最小的硬件成本。

这里有一些代码为我所寻求的概念提供了一个漏洞。读者可能希望搜索QUESTION IS HERE。在Nsight中构建它需要将设备链接器模式设置为单独编译(至少,我发现它是必要的)。

#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <cuda.h>

static void CheckCudaErrorAux (const char *, unsigned, const char *, cudaError_t);
#define CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(value) CheckCudaErrorAux(__FILE__,__LINE__, #value, value)

const int COUNT_DOWN_ITERATIONS = 1000;
const int KERNEL_MAXIMUM_LOOPS = 5; // IRL, we'd set this large enough to prevent hitting this value, unless the kernel is externally terminated
const int SIGNALS_TO_SEND_COUNT = 3;
const int BLOCK_COUNT = 1;
const int THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 2;

__device__ void count_down(int * shared_location_to_ensure_side_effect) {
    int x = *shared_location_to_ensure_side_effect;
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_DOWN_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
        x += i;
    *shared_location_to_ensure_side_effect = x;

 * CUDA kernel waits for events and then counts down upon receiving them.
__global__ void kernel(cudaStream_t stream, cudaEvent_t go_event, cudaEvent_t done_event, int ** cuda_malloc_managed_int_address) {
    __shared__ int local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address; // we always start at 0

    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: entered kernel\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
    for (int i = 0; i < KERNEL_MAXIMUM_LOOPS; ++i) {
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);

        // QUESTION IS HERE: I want this to block on receiving a signal from the
        // CPU, indicating that work is ready to be done
        cudaStreamWaitEvent(stream, go_event, cudaEventBlockingSync);

        printf("Block %i, Thread %i:      in loop; received go_event\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
        if (i == 0) { // we have received the signal and data is ready to be interpreted
            local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address = cuda_malloc_managed_int_address[blockIdx.x][threadIdx.x];
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i:      finished counting\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
        cudaEventRecord(done_event, stream);
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i:      recorded event; may loop back\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: copying result %i back to managed memory\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x, local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address);
    cuda_malloc_managed_int_address[blockIdx.x][threadIdx.x] = local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address;
    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: exiting kernel\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);

int main(void)

    int ** data;
    cudaMallocManaged(&data, BLOCK_COUNT * sizeof(int *));
    for (int b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; ++b)
        cudaMallocManaged(&(data[b]), THREADS_PER_BLOCK * sizeof(int));

    cudaEvent_t go_event;
    cudaEventCreateWithFlags(&go_event, cudaEventBlockingSync);

    cudaEvent_t done_event;
    cudaEventCreateWithFlags(&done_event, cudaEventBlockingSync);

    cudaStream_t stream;

    CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(cudaDeviceSynchronize());  // probably unnecessary

    printf("CPU: spawning kernel\n");
    kernel<<<BLOCK_COUNT, THREADS_PER_BLOCK, sizeof(int), stream>>>(stream, go_event, done_event, data);

    for (int i = 0; i < SIGNALS_TO_SEND_COUNT; ++i) {
        usleep(4 * 1000 * 1000); // accepts time in microseconds

        // Simulate the sending of the "next" piece of work
        data[0][0] = i;      // unrolled, because it's easier to read
        data[0][1] = i + 1;  // unrolled, because it's easier to read

        printf("CPU: sending go_event\n");
        cudaEventRecord(go_event, stream);
        cudaStreamWaitEvent(stream, done_event, cudaEventBlockingSync); // doesn't block even though I wish it would

    for (int b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; ++b) {
        for (int t = 0; t < THREADS_PER_BLOCK; ++t) {
            printf("Result for Block %i and Thread %i: %i\n", b, t, data[b][t]);

    for (int b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; ++b)


    printf("CPU: exiting program");

    return 0;

 * Check the return value of the CUDA runtime API call and exit
 * the application if the call has failed.
static void CheckCudaErrorAux (const char *file, unsigned line, const char *statement, cudaError_t err)
    if (err == cudaSuccess)
    std::cerr << statement<<" returned " << cudaGetErrorString(err) << "("<<err<< ") at "<<file<<":"<<line << std::endl;
    exit (1);


CPU: spawning kernel
Block 0, Thread 0: entered kernel
Block 0, Thread 1: entered kernel
Block 0, Thread 0: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 1: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 1:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 1:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 0:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 1:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 0: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 1: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 1:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 1:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 0:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 1:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 0: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 1: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 1:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 1:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 0:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 1:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 0: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 1: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 1:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 1:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 0:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 1:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 0: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 1: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 1:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 1:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 0:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 1:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 0: copying result 2497500 back to managed memory
Block 0, Thread 1: copying result 2497500 back to managed memory
Block 0, Thread 0: exiting kernel
Block 0, Thread 1: exiting kernel
CPU: sending go_event
CPU: sending go_event
CPU: sending go_event
Result for Block 0 and Thread 0: 2
Result for Block 0 and Thread 1: 3
CPU: exiting program

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


一种可能的实现是在设备存储器中具有一组标志或整数。 CUDA线程将阻塞(可能通过调用clock64()),直到标志/整数达到某个值,表明CUDA线程有更多的工作要处理。这可能比使用第一类CUDA提供的同步原语慢,但比每次内核调用重新初始化__shared__内存要快。它还涉及某种忙碌的等待/睡眠机制,我并不感到兴奋。

后续行动:它似乎有效 - 有些时候(printf来电似乎有帮助)。我猜在托管内存中有一些未定义的行为让我受益。这是代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <cuda.h>

static void CheckCudaErrorAux (const char *, unsigned, const char *, cudaError_t);
#define CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(value) CheckCudaErrorAux(__FILE__,__LINE__, #value, value)

const int COUNT_DOWN_ITERATIONS = 1000;
const int KERNEL_MAXIMUM_LOOPS = 5; // IRL, we'd set this large enough to prevent hitting this value, unless the kernel is externally terminated
const int SIGNALS_TO_SEND_COUNT = 3;
const int BLOCK_COUNT = 1;
const int THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 2;

__device__ void count_down(int * shared_location_to_ensure_side_effect) {
    int x = *shared_location_to_ensure_side_effect;
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_DOWN_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
        x += i;
    *shared_location_to_ensure_side_effect = x;

__device__ void clock_block(clock_t clock_count)
    //printf("time used so far: %lu\n", clock64());
    clock_t start_clock = clock64();
    while (clock64() - start_clock < clock_count);

 * CUDA kernel waits for flag to increment and then counts down.
__global__ void kernel_block_via_flag(cudaStream_t stream, cudaEvent_t go_event, cudaEvent_t done_event, int ** cuda_malloc_managed_int_address, int * cuda_malloc_managed_synchronization_flag) {
    __shared__ int local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address; // we always start at 0

    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: entered kernel\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
    for (int i = 0; i < KERNEL_MAXIMUM_LOOPS; ++i) {
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
        while (*cuda_malloc_managed_synchronization_flag <= i)

            //printf("%lu\n", *cuda_malloc_managed_synchronization_flag);
            clock_block(1000000000); // in cycles, not seconds!

        cudaStreamWaitEvent(stream, go_event, cudaEventBlockingSync);
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i:      in loop; received go_event\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);

        if (i == 0) { // we have received the signal and data is ready to be interpreted
            local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address = cuda_malloc_managed_int_address[blockIdx.x][threadIdx.x];
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i:      finished counting\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
        cudaEventRecord(done_event, stream);
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i:      recorded event; may loop back\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: copying result %i back to managed memory\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x, local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address);
    cuda_malloc_managed_int_address[blockIdx.x][threadIdx.x] = local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address;
    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: exiting kernel\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);

int main(void)

    int ** data;
    cudaMallocManaged(&data, BLOCK_COUNT * sizeof(int *));
    for (int b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; ++b)
        cudaMallocManaged(&(data[b]), THREADS_PER_BLOCK * sizeof(int));

    cudaEvent_t go_event;
    cudaEventCreateWithFlags(&go_event, cudaEventBlockingSync);

    cudaEvent_t done_event;
    cudaEventCreateWithFlags(&done_event, cudaEventBlockingSync);

    cudaStream_t stream;

    int * synchronization_flag;
    cudaMallocManaged(&synchronization_flag, sizeof(int));
    //cudaMalloc(&synchronization_flag, sizeof(int));
    //int my_copy_of_synchronization_flag = 0;

    CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(cudaDeviceSynchronize());  // probably unnecessary

    printf("CPU: spawning kernel\n");
    kernel_block_via_flag<<<BLOCK_COUNT, THREADS_PER_BLOCK, sizeof(int), stream>>>(stream, go_event, done_event, data, synchronization_flag);
    CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(cudaMemAdvise(synchronization_flag, sizeof(int), cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation, cudaCpuDeviceId));

    for (int i = 0; i < SIGNALS_TO_SEND_COUNT; ++i) {
        usleep(4 * 1000 * 1000); // accepts time in microseconds

        // Simulate the sending of the "next" piece of work
        data[0][0] = i;      // unrolled, because it's easier to read
        data[0][1] = i + 1;  // unrolled, because it's easier to read

        printf("CPU: sending go_event\n");
        //CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(cudaMemcpyAsync(synchronization_flag, &my_copy_of_synchronization_flag, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
        *synchronization_flag = *synchronization_flag + 1; // since it's monotonically increasing, and only written to by the CPU code, this is fine

    for (int b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; ++b) {
        for (int t = 0; t < THREADS_PER_BLOCK; ++t) {
            printf("Result for Block %i and Thread %i: %i\n", b, t, data[b][t]);

    for (int b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; ++b)


    printf("CPU: exiting program");

    return 0;

 * Check the return value of the CUDA runtime API call and exit
 * the application if the call has failed.
static void CheckCudaErrorAux (const char *file, unsigned line, const char *statement, cudaError_t err)
    if (err == cudaSuccess)
    std::cerr << statement<<" returned " << cudaGetErrorString(err) << "("<<err<< ") at "<<file<<":"<<line << std::endl;
    exit (1);

__global__ void kernel_block_via_flag(cudaStream_t stream, cudaEvent_t go_event, cudaEvent_t done_event, int ** cuda_malloc_managed_int_address, int * cuda_malloc_managed_synchronization_flag) {
    __shared__ int local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address; // we always start at 0

    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: entered kernel\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
    for (int i = 0; i < KERNEL_MAXIMUM_LOOPS; ++i) {
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
        while (*cuda_malloc_managed_synchronization_flag <= i)
            //printf("%i\n", *cuda_malloc_managed_synchronization_flag);

        cudaStreamWaitEvent(stream, go_event, cudaEventBlockingSync);
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i:      in loop; received go_event\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);

        if (i == 0) { // we have received the signal and data is ready to be interpreted
            local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address = cuda_malloc_managed_int_address[blockIdx.x][threadIdx.x];
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i:      finished counting\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
        cudaEventRecord(done_event, stream);
        printf("Block %i, Thread %i:      recorded event; may loop back\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: copying result %i back to managed memory\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x, local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address);
    cuda_malloc_managed_int_address[blockIdx.x][threadIdx.x] = local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address;
    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: exiting kernel\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);


CPU: spawning kernel
Block 0, Thread 0: entered kernel
Block 0, Thread 1: entered kernel
Block 0, Thread 0: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 1: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
CPU: sending go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 1:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 1:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 0:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 1:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 0: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 1: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
CPU: sending go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 1:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 1:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 0:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 1:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 0: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 1: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
CPU: sending go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 1:      in loop; received go_event
Block 0, Thread 0:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 1:      finished counting
Block 0, Thread 0:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 1:      recorded event; may loop back
Block 0, Thread 0: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event
Block 0, Thread 1: entered loop; waitin 4 go_event


答案 1 :(得分:0)


一种可能的实现是在设备存储器中具有一组标志或整数。 CUDA线程将阻塞(例如,通过调用clock64()),直到标志/整数达到某个值,表明CUDA线程有更多的工作要处理。这可能比使用一流的CUDA提供的同步原语慢,但比每次内核调用重新初始化共享内存要快。它还涉及某种忙碌的等待/睡眠机制,我并不感到兴奋。

这是一个似乎有效的实现 - 但是,我担心我依赖托管内存的某些未定义行为,这些行为恰好有利于程序的执行。这是代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <cuda.h>

#include <chrono>
#include <thread>

static void CheckCudaErrorAux (const char *, unsigned, const char *, cudaError_t);
#define CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(value) CheckCudaErrorAux(__FILE__,__LINE__, #value, value)

const int COUNT_DOWN_ITERATIONS = 1000;
const int KERNEL_MAXIMUM_LOOPS = 1000; // IRL, we'd set this large enough to prevent hitting this value, unless the kernel is externally terminated
const int SIGNALS_TO_SEND_COUNT = 1000;
const int BLOCK_COUNT = 1;
const int THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 2;

__device__ void count_down(int * shared_location_to_ensure_side_effect) {
    int x = *shared_location_to_ensure_side_effect;
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_DOWN_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
        x += i;
    *shared_location_to_ensure_side_effect = x;

__device__ void clock_block(clock_t clock_count)
    clock_t start_clock = clock64();
    while (clock64() - start_clock < clock_count);

 * CUDA kernel waits for flag to increment and then counts down.
__global__ void spawn_worker_threads(int ** cuda_malloc_managed_int_address, int * cuda_malloc_managed_go_flag, int * cuda_malloc_managed_done_flag) {
    __shared__ int local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address; // we always start at 0

    volatile int * my_go_flag = cuda_malloc_managed_go_flag;
    volatile int * volatile_done_flag = cuda_malloc_managed_done_flag;

    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: entered kernel\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
    for (int i = 0; i < KERNEL_MAXIMUM_LOOPS; ++i) {
        while (*my_go_flag <= i) {
            clock_block(10000); // in cycles, not seconds!

        if (i == 0) { // we have received the signal and data is ready to be interpreted
            local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address = cuda_malloc_managed_int_address[blockIdx.x][threadIdx.x];

        // Wait for all worker threads to finish and then signal readiness for new work
        __syncthreads(); // TODO: sync with other blocks too

        if (blockIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.x == 0)
            *volatile_done_flag  = *volatile_done_flag + 1;
        //__threadfence_system(); // based on the documentation, it's not clear that this should actually help
    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: copying result %i back to managed memory\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x, local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address);
    cuda_malloc_managed_int_address[blockIdx.x][threadIdx.x] = local_copy_of_cuda_malloc_managed_int_address;
    printf("Block %i, Thread %i: exiting kernel\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);

int main(void)

    int ** data;
    cudaMallocManaged(&data, BLOCK_COUNT * sizeof(int *));
    for (int b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; ++b)
        cudaMallocManaged(&(data[b]), THREADS_PER_BLOCK * sizeof(int));

    int * go_flag;
    int * done_flag;
    cudaMallocManaged(&go_flag, sizeof(int));
    cudaMallocManaged(&done_flag, sizeof(int));

    volatile int * my_volatile_done_flag = done_flag;

    printf("CPU: spawning kernel\n");
    spawn_worker_threads<<<BLOCK_COUNT, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(data, go_flag, done_flag);

    // The cudaMemAdvise calls seem to be unnecessary, but they make it ~13% faster
    CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(cudaMemAdvise(go_flag, sizeof(int), cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation, cudaCpuDeviceId));
    CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(cudaMemAdvise(done_flag, sizeof(int), cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation, cudaCpuDeviceId));

    for (int i = 0; i < SIGNALS_TO_SEND_COUNT; ++i) {
        if (i % 50 == 0) printf("============== CPU: On iteration %i ============\n", i);

        // Simulate the writing of the "next" piece of work
        data[0][0] = i;      // unrolled, because it's easier to read this way
        data[0][1] = i + 1;  // unrolled, because it's easier to read

        *go_flag = *go_flag + 1; // since it's monotonically increasing, and only written to by the CPU code, this is fine

        while (*my_volatile_done_flag < i)

    for (int b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; ++b)
        for (int t = 0; t < THREADS_PER_BLOCK; ++t)
            printf("Result for Block %i and Thread %i: %i\n", b, t, data[b][t]);

    for (int b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; ++b)

    printf("CPU: exiting program");

    return 0;

 * Check the return value of the CUDA runtime API call and exit
 * the application if the call has failed.
static void CheckCudaErrorAux (const char *file, unsigned line, const char *statement, cudaError_t err)
    if (err == cudaSuccess)
    std::cerr << statement<<" returned " << cudaGetErrorString(err) << "("<<err<< ") at "<<file<<":"<<line << std::endl;
    exit (1);


Starting timer for Synchronization timer
CPU: spawning kernel
============== CPU: On iteration 0 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 50 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 100 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 150 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 200 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 250 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 300 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 350 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 400 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 450 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 500 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 550 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 600 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 650 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 700 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 750 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 800 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 850 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 900 ============
============== CPU: On iteration 950 ============
Block 0, Thread 0: entered kernel
Block 0, Thread 1: entered kernel
Block 0, Thread 0: copying result 499500001 back to managed memory
Block 0, Thread 1: copying result 499500001 back to managed memory
Block 0, Thread 0: exiting kernel
Block 0, Thread 1: exiting kernel
Result for Block 0 and Thread 0: 499500001
Result for Block 0 and Thread 1: 499500001
CPU: exiting program
