public void inserirOrdem( String elemento ) {
No novoNo = new No( elemento );
No actual = cabeca; //actual=head of the list
No anterior = null;
// look for place where to add new element
while( actual != null && actual.item.compareTo( elemento ) < 0 ) {
anterior = actual;
actual = actual.prox;
if(!elemento.equals(actual.item)) { //so that the new element won't be added if there's an equal one.... doesn't work
novoNo.prox = actual;
if( anterior == null ) //in case the list doesn't have any elements
cabeca = novoNo;
anterior.prox = novoNo;
private class No{
No prox;
String item;
No( String elemento ) {
item = elemento;
prox = null;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
class Main {
/* Inserts a node into a unique, alphabetical list */
public static No inserirOrdem(No cabeca, String elemento) {
if (elemento == null) { return cabeca; }
if (cabeca == null) { return new No(elemento); }
No novoNo = new No(elemento);
No actual = cabeca;
No anterior = null;
// valid entry to add at beginning of list
if (cabeca.item.compareTo(elemento) > 0) {
novoNo.prox = cabeca;
return novoNo;
while (actual != null && actual.item.compareTo(elemento) < 0) {
anterior = actual;
actual = actual.prox;
// valid entry to add at end of list
if (actual == null) {
anterior.prox = novoNo;
return cabeca;
// valid entry to add in middle of list
if (actual.item.compareTo(elemento) > 0) {
if (anterior == null) {
cabeca = novoNo;
else {
anterior.prox = novoNo;
novoNo.prox = actual;
return cabeca;
/* Prints a linked list */
public static void p(No head) {
No c = head;
while (c != null) {
System.out.print(c.item + " -> ");
c = c.prox;
public static void main(String[] args) {
No head = new No("a");
No b = new No("b");
No d = new No("d");
No e = new No("e");
head.prox = b;
b.prox = d;
d.prox = e;
System.out.println("Try to add duplicates:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "a");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "b");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "d");
System.out.println("Try to add c in the middle:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "c");
System.out.println("Try to add f at the end:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "f");
System.out.println("Try to add h at the end:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "h");
System.out.println("Try to add g in the middle:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "g");
head = null;
System.out.println("Null head, add a:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "a");
System.out.println("Try to add null str:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, null);
head = new No("c");
System.out.println("Try to add duplicate:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "c");
System.out.println("Try to add a at beginning of list:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "a");
System.out.println("Try to add z at end of list:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "z");
System.out.println("Try to add f at middle of list:");
head = inserirOrdem(head, "f");
class No {
No prox;
String item;
No (String elemento) {
item = elemento;
prox = null;
java version "1.8.0_31" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_31-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.31-b07, mixed mode) Original: a -> b -> d -> e -> Try to add duplicates: a -> b -> d -> e -> Try to add c in the middle: a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> Try to add f at the end: a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> Try to add h at the end: a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> h -> Try to add g in the middle: a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> Null head, add a: a -> Try to add null str: a -> Try to add duplicate: c -> Try to add a at beginning of list: a -> c -> Try to add z at end of list: a -> c -> z -> Try to add f at middle of list: a -> c -> f -> z ->
答案 1 :(得分:0)