c ++通过引用传递?

时间:2011-02-13 04:01:37

标签: c++

    This program demonstrates a few routines for processing binary
    sort trees.  It uses a binary sort tree of strings.  The user
    types in strings.  The user's string is converted to lower case, and -- 
    if it is not already in the tree -- it is inserted into the tree.
    Then the number of nodes in the tree and a list of items in the tree
    are output.  The program ends when the user enters an empty string.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class TreeNode {
   // An object of type TreeNode represents one node
   // in a binary tree of strings.
      // Constructor.  Make a node containing str.
      TreeNode(string str) : item(str), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}

      string item;      // The data in this node.
      TreeNode *left;    // Pointer to left subtree.
      TreeNode *right;   // Pointer to right subtree.

typedef TreeNode* TreeNodePtr;

void treeInsert(TreeNodePtr& root, string newItem);
// Add the item to the binary sort tree to which the parameter
// "root" refers.  Note that root is passed by reference since
// its value can change in the case where the tree is empty.

bool treeContains( TreeNodePtr root, string item );
// Return true if item is one of the items in the binary
// sort tree to which root points.   Return false if not.

void treeList(TreeNodePtr node);
// Print the items in the tree in postorder, one item
// to a line.  Since the tree is a sort tree, the output
// will be in increasing order.

int countNodes(TreeNodePtr node);
// Count the nodes in the binary tree to which node 
// points.  Return the answer.

int main() {

   TreeNodePtr root;// Pointer to the root node in a binary tree.  This
                    // tree is used in this program as a binary sort tree.
                    // The tree is not allowed to contain duplicate
                    // items.  When the tree is empty, root is null.

   root = NULL;     // Start with an empty tree.

   cout << "This programs stores strings that you enter in a binary sort\n";
   cout << "tree.  After each items is inserted, the contents of the tree\n";
   cout << "are displayed.  The number of nodes in the tree is also output.\n";
   cout << "    Any string you enter will be converted to lower case.\n";
   cout << "Duplicate entries are ignored.\n";

   while (true) {
       // Get one string from the user, insert it into the tree,
       // and print some information about the tree.  Exit if the
       // user enters an empty string.  Note that all strings are
       // converted to lower case.
       cout << ("\n\nEnter a string to be inserted, or press return to end.\n");
       string item;  // The user's input.
       if (cin.peek() == '\n')
       cin >> item; 
       cin.ignore(10000,'\n'); // just in case a space and other words typed
       if (treeContains(root,item)) {
          // Don't insert a second copy of an item that is already
          // in the tree.
          cout << "\nThat item is already in the tree.\n";
       else {
          treeInsert(root,item);  // Add user's string to the tree.
          cout << "\nThe tree contains " << countNodes(root) << " items.\n";
          cout << "\nContents of tree:\n\n";
   }  // end while

   cout << "\n\nExiting program.\n\n";

}  // end main()

void treeInsert(TreeNodePtr& root, string newItem) {
   // Add the item to the binary sort tree to which the parameter
   // "root" refers.  Note that root is passed by reference since
   // its value can change in the case where the tree is empty.
   if ( root == NULL ) {
      // The tree is empty.  Set root to point to a new node containing
      // the new item.  This becomes the only node in the tree.
      root = new TreeNode( newItem );
   else if ( newItem < root->item ) {
      treeInsert( root->left, newItem );
   else {
      treeInsert( root->right, newItem );
}  // end treeInsert()

bool treeContains( TreeNodePtr root, string item ) {
   // Return true if item is one of the items in the binary
   // sort tree to which root points.   Return false if not.
   if ( root == NULL ) {
         // Tree is empty, so it certainly doesn't contain item.
      return false;
   else if ( item == root->item ) {
      // Yes, the item has been found in the root node.
      return true;
   else if ( item < root->item ) {
      // If the item occurs, it must be in the left subtree.
      return treeContains( root->left, item );
   else {
      // If the item occurs, it must be in the right subtree.
      return treeContains( root->right, item );
}  // end treeContains()

void treeList(TreeNodePtr node) {
   // Print the items in the tree in inorder, one item
   // to a line.  Since the tree is a sort tree, the output
   // will be in increasing order.
   if ( node != NULL ) {
       treeList(node->left);           // Print items in left subtree.
       cout << "  " << node->item << endl;  // Print item in the node.
       treeList(node->right);          // Print items in the right subtree.
} // end treeList()

int countNodes(TreeNodePtr node) {
   // Count the nodes in the binary tree to which node 
   // points.  Return the answer.
   if ( node == NULL ) {
           // Tree is empty, so it contains no nodes.
      return 0;
   else {
      // Add up the root node and the nodes in its two subtrees.
      int leftCount = countNodes( node->left );
      int rightCount = countNodes( node->right );
      return  1 + leftCount + rightCount;  
} // end countNodes()

有一点不明白,为什么这个函数“void treeInsert(TreeNodePtr&amp; root,string newItem);”有“&amp;”在TreeNodePtr之后标记?别人不......困惑!


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

根指针是passed by reference,因为在树为空的情况下它的值可能会改变。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

所有std :: strings也应该由const引用传递。这样整个类就不会放在堆栈上。