我正在编写 Applescript 来解析 iOS Localization 文件( /en.lproj/Localizable.strings ),翻译这些值并以 UTF-16(Unicode)编码将转换( /fr.lproj/Localizable.strings )输出到磁盘。
“如果您意外地阅读了UTF-16文件 作为MacRoman,结果值可能 乍一看就像一个普通人 字符串,特别是如果它包含 英文文本。你很快就会发现 你什么都不对 然而,尝试使用它:一个常见的 症状是每个可见的角色 在你的“字符串”似乎有一个 在它面前看不见的角色。 例如,读取UTF-16编码 包含短语“Hello”的文本文件 世界!“作为一个字符串产生一个字符串 比如“H e l l o W o r l d!”,其中 每个“”实际上是一个不可见的ASCII 0个字符。“
"Yes" = "Yes";
" Y e s " = " O u i " ;
这是我的 createFile 方法:
on createFile(fileFolder, fileName)
tell application "Finder"
if (exists file fileName of folder fileFolder) then
set the fileAccess to open for access file fileName of folder fileFolder with write permission
set eof of fileAccess to 0
write ((ASCII character 254) & (ASCII character 255)) to fileAccess starting at 0
--write «data rdatFEFF» to fileAccess starting at 0
close access the fileAccess
set the filePath to make new file at fileFolder with properties {name:fileName}
set the fileAccess to open for access file fileName of folder fileFolder with write permission
write ((ASCII character 254) & (ASCII character 255)) to fileAccess starting at 0
--write «data rdatFEFF» to fileAccess starting at 0
close access the fileAccess
end if
return file fileName of folder fileFolder as text
end tell
end createFile
这是我的 writeFile 方法:
on writeFile(filePath, newLine)
tell application "Finder"
set targetFileAccess to open for access file filePath with write permission
write newLine to targetFileAccess as Unicode text starting at eof
close access the targetFileAccess
return true
on error
close access file filePath
end try
return false
end try
end tell
end writeFile
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这是我用来读写UTF16的处理程序。您不需要单独的“创建文件”处理程序。如果文件不存在,写处理程序将创建该文件。将“appendText”变量设置为true或false。 False表示覆盖文件,true表示将新文本添加到文件中当前文本的末尾。我希望这会有所帮助。
on writeTo_UTF16(targetFile, theText, appendText)
set targetFile to targetFile as text
set openFile to open for access file targetFile with write permission
if appendText is false then
set eof of openFile to 0
write (ASCII character 254) & (ASCII character 255) to openFile starting at eof -- UTF-16 BOM
tell application "Finder" to set fileExists to exists file targetFile
if fileExists is false then
set eof of openFile to 0
write (ASCII character 254) & (ASCII character 255) to openFile starting at eof -- UTF-16 BOM
end if
end if
write theText to openFile starting at eof as Unicode text
close access openFile
return true
on error theError
close access file targetFile
end try
return theError
end try
end writeTo_UTF16
on readFrom_UTF16(targetFile)
set targetFile to targetFile as text
targetFile as alias -- if file doesn't exist then you get an error
set openFile to open for access file targetFile
set theText to read openFile as Unicode text
close access openFile
return theText
on error
close access file targetFile
end try
return false
end try
end readFrom_UTF16
答案 1 :(得分:0)
如果你在每个角色之间得到实际的空格,你可能会在你的代码[1]中得到'(某些文字的j个字符)作为字符串'反模式。这会将字符串拆分为字符列表,然后将其强制转换为字符串,并在每个字符之间插入当前文本项分隔符。获得子字符串的正确(即快速和安全)方式是:'text i thru j of someText'(p179-181)。
[1] p179指出这个成语是不安全的,但忘记提供它引起的问题的实际证明。 [3]
[2] IIRC p501上的例子意味着用矩形符号来表示不可见的字符,即“⃞H⃞e⃞l⃞l⃞o”而不是“H e l l o”,但不是那么出来所以可能被误读为意味着可见的空间。 [3]