我想在我的一个服务中注入一个实现公共接口的对象数组。我使用zend servicemanager作为DI容器。我现在已经阅读了很多文档,在我看来,AbstractPluginManager是最佳选择。我还没有能够让它发挥作用。 有没有使用AbstractPluginManager + Zend Expressive 3的例子,我可以看一下?
interface I{}
class A implements I{}
class B implements I{}
class C{}
__construct(array Iimplementations){...}
$service = $container->get('myservice')
$service has Iimplementations
答案 0 :(得分:2)
您正在寻找的可能是abstract factory。您注册工厂一次,它可以为您创建服务。在您的情况下,具有一组特定的依赖项。
interface I{}
class A implements I{}
class B implements I{}
class MyAbstractFactory implements AbstractFactoryInterface
public function canCreate(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName)
return in_array('I', class_implements($requestedName), true);
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null)
return new $requestedName(
// config/autoload/dependencies.global.php
return [
'dependencies' => [
'factories' => [
// ...
'abstract_factories' => [
答案 1 :(得分:0)
/*Getting I concrete implementations via the plugin manager will ensure the implementation of the I interface*/
class IPluginManager extends AbstractPluginManager
protected $instanceOf = I::class;
public function getIConcreteImplementations()
$concreteImpl = [];
foreach(array_keys($this->factories) as $key)
$concreteImpl[] = $this->get($key);
return $concreteImpl;
class TransactionSourcePluginManagerFactory
const CONFIG_KEY = 'i-implementations-config-key';
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $name, array $options = null)
$pluginManager = new IPluginManager($container, $options ?: []);
// If this is in a zend-mvc application, the ServiceListener will inject
// merged configuration during bootstrap.
if ($container->has('ServiceListener')) {
return $pluginManager;
// If we do not have a config service, nothing more to do
if (! $container->has('config')) {
return $pluginManager;
$config = $container->get('config');
// If we do not have validators configuration, nothing more to do
if (! isset($config[self::CONFIG_KEY]) || !
is_array($config[self::CONFIG_KEY])) {
return $pluginManager;
// Wire service configuration for validators
(new Config($config[self::CONFIG_KEY]))->configureServiceManager($pluginManager);
return $pluginManager;
/*In the ConfigProvider of the module or global config*/
class ConfigProvider
* Returns the configuration array
* To add a bit of a structure, each section is defined in a separate
* method which returns an array with its configuration.
public function __invoke() : array
return [
'dependencies' => $this->getDependencies(),
'routes' => $this->getRoutes(),
'i-implementations-config-key' => $this->getIConcreteImplementations(),
public function getIConcreteImplementations() : array
return [
'factories' => [
A::class => AFactory::class,
B::class => InvokableFactory::class,
/*I can now be sure that I am injecting an array of I implementations into my Service*/
class ServiceFactory
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container) : Service
$pluginManager = $container->get(IPluginManager::class);
$impl = $pluginManager->getIConcreteImplementations();
return new Service($impl);