我的项目是一个模拟单个点阵的c ++程序,以及一个分析输出的python脚本。截至目前,脚本管道程序stdout并将其分配给内部变量。这是低效的,但这是为了调试目的。
可以找到完整的源代码here。为方便起见,请参阅下面的c ++程序和python脚本的主要例程。
/* Converts given pair of indices to those with periodic boundary conditions. */
int inline to_periodic(int row, int col, int size) {
class lattice {
unsigned int size_;
std::vector<short> *spins_;
float J_;
float H_;
lattice() noexcept : size_(0), spins_(NULL), J_(1.0), H_(0.0) {}
lattice(int new_size, double new_J, double new_H) noexcept
: size_(new_size), spins_(new std::vector<short>(size_ * size_, 1)),
J_(new_J), H_(new_H) {}
lattice(const lattice &other) noexcept
: lattice(other.size_, other.J_, other.H_) {
float compute_point_energy(int row, int col);
#ifndef simulation_h
#define simulation_h
#include "lattice.h"
#include "rng.h"
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
class simulation {
unsigned int time_ = 0; // Current time of the simulation.
rng r_ = rng();
lattice spin_lattice_;
double temperature_;
double mean_magnetisation_ = 1;
double mean_energy_;
double total_magnetisation_;
double total_energy_;
unsigned int print_interval_ = 1;
void advance();
void set_print_interval(unsigned int new_print_interval) { print_interval_ = new_print_interval; }
simulation(int new_size, double new_temp, double new_J, double new_H)
: time_(0), spin_lattice_(lattice(new_size, new_J, new_H)), temperature_(new_temp),
mean_energy_(new_J * (-4)), total_magnetisation_(new_size * new_size),
total_energy_(compute_energy(spin_lattice_)) {}
void print_status(FILE *f) {
f = f==NULL? stdout : f;
fprintf(f, "%4d\t%e \t%e\t%e\n", time_, mean_magnetisation_,
mean_energy_, temperature_);
void advance(unsigned int time_steps, FILE *output);
double compute_energy(lattice &other);
double compute_dE(int row, int col) {
return -2*spin_lattice_.compute_point_energy(row, col);
void set_to_chequerboard(int step);
void print_lattice(){
// void load_custom(const lattice& custom);
void simulation::advance(unsigned int time_steps, FILE *output) {
unsigned int area = spin_lattice_.get_size() * spin_lattice_.get_size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < time_steps; i++) {
if (time_ % print_interval_ == 0) {
total_magnetisation_ = spin_lattice_.total_magnetisation();
mean_magnetisation_ = total_magnetisation_ / area;
total_energy_ = compute_energy(spin_lattice_);
mean_energy_ = total_energy_ / area;
void simulation::advance() {
// #pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (unsigned int row = 0; row < spin_lattice_.get_size(); row++) {
for (unsigned int col = 0; col < spin_lattice_.get_size(); col++) {
double dE = compute_dE(row, col);
double p = r_.random_uniform();
if (dE <0 || exp(-dE / temperature_) > p) {
spin_lattice_.flip(row, col);
double simulation::compute_energy(lattice &other) {
double energy_sum = 0;
unsigned int max = other.get_size();
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : energy_sum)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < max; j++) {
energy_sum += other.compute_point_energy(i, j);
return energy_sum/2;
void lattice::print() {
float lattice::compute_point_energy(int row, int col) {
int accumulator = get(row + 1, col) + get(row - 1, col) + get(row, col - 1) +
get(row, col + 1);
return -get(row, col) * (accumulator * J_ + H_);
int lattice::total_magnetisation() {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def smart_duration(temperature, multiplier=1.):
return int(((10**3)*base_duration*multiplier)/(
(temperature - t_c)**2 + breadth))
def investigate_temperature_dependence(temps=None, lattice_sizes=None,
if temps is None:
temps = append(linspace(1.5, 2.2, 8), linspace(2.2, 2.3, 8))
temps = append(temps, linspace(2.3, 4, 8))
if lattice_sizes is None:
lattice_sizes = [50, 250, 300]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex='col')
ax[0].set_ylabel('mean magnetisation / arb. u.')
ax[1].set_ylabel('mean energy / arb. u.')
ax[0].axvline(x=t_c, color='k', ls='--')
ax[1].axvline(x=t_c, color='k', ls='--')
for l in lattice_sizes:
simulations = [Simulation(lattice_size=l, temperature=t,
duration=smart_duration(l, t)) for t in
data = [multi_run(s, **kwargs) for s in simulations]
terminal_magnetisations = array(data).T[0]
sigma_magnetisations = array(data).T[1]
terminal_energies = array(data).T[2]
ax[0].plot(temps, terminal_magnetisations, '-',
label='N = ' + str(l))
ax[1].plot(temps, terminal_energies, '-', label='N =' + str(l))
plt.xlabel('temperature / arb. u.')
append(linspace(min(temps), t_c, 3), linspace(t_c, max(temps), 3)))
save_plot('Critical temperature')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def theoretical_capacity(x, a, b, c, d):
return c + (b*x)/((x - a)**2 + d)
def investigate_heat_capacity(lattice_sizes=None, temps=None, **kwargs):
if temps is None:
temps = linspace(1.5, 3, 60)
if lattice_sizes is None:
lattice_sizes = [16,32, 34, 36]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(lattice_sizes), sharex='col')
crit_temps = []
for l, ax in zip(lattice_sizes, axes):
crit_temps.append(fit_and_plot_capacity(ax, l, temps, **kwargs))
fig.set_size_inches(10.5, 10.5)
plt.xlabel('temperature / arb. u.')
save_plot('Heat capacity')
return crit_temps
def fit_and_plot_capacity(ax, l, temps, **kwargs):
Plot the heat capacity of simulations at given temperature and lattice size.
Afterwards fit a lorentzian and plot.
ax : pyplot.axis
what to plot to.
l : int
lattice size
temps: numpy.array
Array of temperatures where to evaluate heat capacity.
popt[0]: float
most likely critical temperature.
global use_disk
use_disk = False
simulations = [Simulation(lattice_size=l, temperature=t, duration=2)
for t in temps]
# sigmas = [stdev(s.mean_energies[:]) for s in simulations]
sigmas = array([multi_run(s, **kwargs) for s in simulations]).T[3]
meta_sigmas = array([multi_run(s, **kwargs) for s in simulations]).T[4]
# print(meta_sigmas)
Cs = [sigma**2/(temp**2)*10**3 for temp, sigma in zip(temps, sigmas)]
C_errs = Cs[:]*meta_sigmas[:]
popt, pcov = curve_fit(theoretical_capacity, temps, Cs,
sigma=meta_sigmas, bounds=(
[min(temps) - .2, 0, 0, 0],
[max(temps) + .2, inf, inf, .7]))
except RuntimeError:
popt = [temps[argmax(Cs)], (max(Cs) - min(Cs))/4, min(Cs),
(max(temps) - min(temps))/4]
print('I\'m too dumb to fit')
ax.axvline(x=popt[0], ls='--', color='g')
ax.plot(temps, theoretical_capacity(temps, *popt), 'g-',
label='N = ' + str(l) + 'd = ' + str(popt[3]) + ' fit')
ax.errorbar(temps*10, Cs, fmt='b.', yerr=C_errs, label='N = ' + str(l))
ax.set_ylabel(r'C $\cdot 10^3$/ arb. u.')
ax.axvline(x=t_c, ls='-.', color='k')
append(linspace(min(temps), t_c, 6), linspace(t_c, max(temps), 6)))
return popt[0]
def multi_run(sim, re_runs:int=2, take_last:int=300):
Re run the Ising model simulation multiple times, and gather statistics.
sim: simulation
re_runs: int
number of times to repeat simulation
take_last: int
How many of the final points to take statistics over.
global use_disk
use_disk = False
sim.duration = smart_duration(sim.temperature)
magnetizations = []
sigma_magnetizations = []
energies = []
sigma_energies = []
for i in range(re_runs):
sim.data = sim.run()
# Make each run take 50% longer, so that we
# can see if a system is still settling
sim.duration *= 2
last_magnetizations = sim.mean_magnetizations()[-take_last:]
last_energies = sim.mean_energies()[-take_last:]
return [mean(magnetizations), mean(sigma_magnetizations),
mean(energies), mean(sigma_energies),
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def finite_size_scale(N, t_inf, a, v):
return t_inf + a*(N**(-1/v))
def investigate_finite_size_scaling(critical_temperatures, lattice_sizes,
if critical_temperatures is None:
critical_temperatures = investigate_heat_capacity(lattice_sizes,
args, cov = curve_fit(finite_size_scale, lattice_sizes,
plt.plot(lattice_sizes, critical_temperatures, 'b+', label='data')
plt.plot(lattice_sizes, finite_size_scale(lattice_sizes, *args), 'r-',
plt.ylabel('critical temperature / arb. u.')
plt.xlabel('Lattice size')
save_plot('Finite size scaling')
return args[0], sqrt(cov[0, 0])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
t_c = 2/log(1 + sqrt(2))
use_disk = False
breadth = 1
base_duration = 50
sizes = [16, 32, 40, 50, 70]
# investigate_time_evolution()
# investigate_temperature_dependence(lattice_sizes=sizes, re_runs=4)
critical_temps = investigate_heat_capacity(lattice_sizes=sizes,
# temp_inf = investigate_finite_size_scaling(critical_temps, sizes)
# print(temp_inf)
# print((t_c - temp_inf[0])/ temp_inf[1], ' Standard errors away')