df <- structure(list(grade = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L),
benchmark = c("C","D", "B", "C", "D", "F"),
count = c(22L, 15L, 32L, 168L, 117L, 41L),
min = c(155, 169, 154, 160, 164, 178),
q05 = c(163.1, 170.4,161.6, 164.3, 169.8, 179),
q10 = c(165, 172.6, 165.2, 169, 172.6,180),
q15 = c(165, 175.1, 167, 171.1, 176, 181),
q20 = c(165, 175.8, 167.2, 173.4, 177.2, 182),
q25 = c(165.2, 176, 169.5, 174.8, 180, 184),
q30 = c(166, 176.4, 171, 176, 182, 184),
q35 = c(166, 177.8, 171.8, 177, 183, 185),
q40 = c(166.4, 178, 172, 179, 183, 186),
q45 = c(167.4, 178.3, 172.9, 180, 185, 187),
q50 = c(168, 179, 174.5, 181, 186, 188),
q55 = c(171.3, 182.5, 176.1, 181.8, 187, 189),
q60 = c(174.6, 184, 177, 183, 187, 190),
q65 = c(175, 184.2, 177, 183.6, 188, 192),
q70 = c(176.4, 185.6, 177.7, 185, 190, 192),
q75 = c(177, 187, 179, 185, 191, 194),
q80 = c(177.8, 188.4, 180.6, 187, 191, 194),
q85 = c(178.8, 189.8, 182.1, 188, 192.6, 195),
q90 = c(186.2, 193, 186.7, 190, 194.4, 199),
q95 = c(187, 196.8, 187.4, 192, 197, 201),
max = c(194, 201, 188, 203, 210, 206)),
.Names = c("grade", "benchmark", "count", "min", "q05",
"q10", "q15", "q20", "q25", "q30", "q35", "q40", "q45", "q50",
"q55", "q60", "q65", "q70", "q75", "q80", "q85", "q90", "q95",
row.names = c(137L, 138L, 310L, 311L, 312L, 313L),
class = "data.frame")
#### Grade 1 Graph ########################################################################
# Sets up temporary data frame
temp <- df[df$grade == 1, ]
# Sets widths for geom_rect later.
for(i in seq(from = 1, to = nrow(temp), by = 1)){
temp$xmin[i] <- i - 1 + .55
temp$xmax[i] <- i + .45
ggplot(temp, aes(x = benchmark)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(lower = q20, middle = q50, upper = q80, ymax = max, ymin = min), stat = 'identity') +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq((min(temp$min)%/%10 * 10), (max(temp$max)%/%10 * 10 + 10), 10),
limits = c((min(temp$min)%/%10 * 10), (max(temp$max)%/%10 * 10 + 10))) +
labs(x = 'Category', y = 'Values', title = 'Percentile Boxplots') +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
title = element_text(size = 16)) +
## Geom_rect for Category C
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q20, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q40),
alpha = .15, fill = '#FFFF00') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q40, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q60),
alpha = .15, fill = '#92D050') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q60, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q80),
alpha = .15, fill = '#00B050') +
## Geom_rect for Category D
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q20, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q40),
alpha = .15, fill = '#FFFF00') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q40, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q60),
alpha = .15, fill = '#92D050') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q60, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q80),
alpha = .15, fill = '#00B050') +
## Geom_labels for quartiles.
geom_label(aes(x = benchmark, y = q20, label = round(q20, 1)), fill = '#fdae61', size = 4) +
geom_label(aes(x = benchmark, y = q80, label = round(q80, 1)), fill = '#a6d96a', size = 4) +
geom_label(aes(x = benchmark, y = q50, label = round(q50, 1), fontface = 'bold'), fill = '#ffffbf', size = 5) +
#### Grade 2 Graph ####
temp <- df[df$grade == 2, ]
for(i in seq(from = 1, to = nrow(temp), by = 1)){
temp$xmin[i] <- i - 1 + .55
temp$xmax[i] <- i + .45
ggplot(temp, aes(x = benchmark)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(lower = q20, middle = q50, upper = q80, ymax = max, ymin = min), stat = 'identity') +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq((min(temp$min)%/%10 * 10), (max(temp$max)%/%10 * 10 + 10), 10),
limits = c((min(temp$min)%/%10 * 10), (max(temp$max)%/%10 * 10 + 10))) +
labs(x = 'Category', y = 'Values', title = 'Percentile Boxplots') +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
title = element_text(size = 16)) +
## Geom_rect for Category B
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$q20, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$q40),
alpha = .15, fill = '#FFFF00') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$q40, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$q60),
alpha = .15, fill = '#92D050') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$q60, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$q80),
alpha = .15, fill = '#00B050') +
## Geom_rect for Category C
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q20, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q40),
alpha = .15, fill = '#FFFF00') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q40, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q60),
alpha = .15, fill = '#92D050') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q60, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q80),
alpha = .15, fill = '#00B050') +
## Geom_rect for Category D
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q20, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q40),
alpha = .15, fill = '#FFFF00') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q40, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q60),
alpha = .15, fill = '#92D050') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q60, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q80),
alpha = .15, fill = '#00B050') +
## Geom_rect for Category F
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$q20, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$q40),
alpha = .15, fill = '#FFFF00') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$q40, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$q60),
alpha = .15, fill = '#92D050') +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$xmin, xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$q60, ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$q80),
alpha = .15, fill = '#00B050') +
## Geom_labels for quartiles.
geom_label(aes(x = benchmark, y = q20, label = round(q20, 1)), fill = '#fdae61', size = 4) +
geom_label(aes(x = benchmark, y = q80, label = round(q80, 1)), fill = '#a6d96a', size = 4) +
geom_label(aes(x = benchmark, y = q50, label = round(q50, 1), fontface = 'bold'), fill = '#ffffbf', size = 5) +
答案 0 :(得分:1)
调用实际上创建了多个相互重叠的矩形,每个矩形都有alpha = .15
# temp here is based on the second plot, with 4 categories
p.overlay <- ggplot(temp) +
## Geom_rect for Category B
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$xmin,
xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$q20,
ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'B', ]$q40),
alpha = .15, fill = '#FFFF00') +
## Geom_rect for Category C
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmin,
xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q20,
ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'C', ]$q40),
alpha = .15, fill = '#FFFF00') +
## Geom_rect for Category D
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmin,
xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q20,
ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'D', ]$q40),
alpha = .15, fill = '#FFFF00') +
## Geom_rect for Category F
geom_rect(aes(xmin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$xmin,
xmax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$xmax,
ymin = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$q20,
ymax = temp[temp$benchmark == 'F', ]$q40),
alpha = .15, fill = '#FFFF00')
p.single <- ggplot(temp) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = q20, ymax = q40),
alpha = .15, fill = "#FFFF00")
cowplot::plot_grid(p.overlay, p.single, labels = c("Overlay", "Single"))
> length(p.overlay$layers)
[1] 4
> length(p.single$layers)
[1] 1
> lapply(1:4, function(i) layer_data(p.overlay, i))
xmin xmax ymin ymax PANEL group colour fill size linetype alpha
1 0.55 1.45 167.2 172 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
2 0.55 1.45 167.2 172 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
3 0.55 1.45 167.2 172 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
4 0.55 1.45 167.2 172 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
xmin xmax ymin ymax PANEL group colour fill size linetype alpha
1 1.55 2.45 173.4 179 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
2 1.55 2.45 173.4 179 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
3 1.55 2.45 173.4 179 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
4 1.55 2.45 173.4 179 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
xmin xmax ymin ymax PANEL group colour fill size linetype alpha
1 2.55 3.45 177.2 183 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
2 2.55 3.45 177.2 183 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
3 2.55 3.45 177.2 183 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
4 2.55 3.45 177.2 183 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
xmin xmax ymin ymax PANEL group colour fill size linetype alpha
1 3.55 4.45 182 186 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
2 3.55 4.45 182 186 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
3 3.55 4.45 182 186 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
4 3.55 4.45 182 186 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
> layer_data(p.single, i = 1)
xmin xmax ymin ymax PANEL group colour fill size linetype alpha
1 0.55 1.45 167.2 172 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
2 1.55 2.45 173.4 179 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
3 2.55 3.45 177.2 183 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
4 3.55 4.45 182.0 186 1 -1 NA #FFFF00 0.5 1 0.15
仍然使用它,因此您可以在那里指定data = temp