我制作了这个代码来运行带有Evolutionary Engine的Excel Solver,通过一个按钮自动调用Excel Solver并运行它,共进行了81次组合3次(做Solver 243次),而不是手动操作。
81个组合是4个变量的3个级别的结果: convergence,mutationRate,populationSize,MaxTimeNoImp
我遇到的问题是,当我尝试多次执行81次组合时(在这种情况下循环是3次),Excel文件崩溃了。 大多数情况下,如果我评论循环部分,代码运行良好,但在极少数情况下,Excel文件也会崩溃。
'here i delete the previous data
ultimo = Cells(9, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Worksheets("Folha1").Range(Cells(8, 23), Cells(129, ultimo)).ClearContents
Cells(9, 23) = "histórico"
Cells(11, 23) = "makespan médio"
Cells(14, 23) = "makespan minimo"
Cells(17, 23) = "desvio padrao"
Cells(20, 23) = "num simulações"
Cells(23, 23) = "tempo em min"
Dim StartTime As Date
StartTime = Now()
Dim convergence(2) As Double
Dim mutationRate(2) As Double
Dim populationSize(2) As Integer
Dim MaxTimeNoImp(2) As Integer
'define the 3 levels of each variable
convergence(0) = 0.0001
convergence(1) = 0.0005
convergence(2) = 0.001
mutationRate(0) = 0.001
mutationRate(1) = 0.002
mutationRate(2) = 0.005
populationSize(0) = 30
populationSize(1) = 50
populationSize(2) = 70
MaxTimeNoImp(0) = 10
MaxTimeNoImp(1) = 15
MaxTimeNoImp(2) = 40
For aa = 1 To 3
'check all combinations
For Z = LBound(convergence) To UBound(convergence)
'make the changeable data equal for the beginning of every combination
For q = 11 To 110
Cells(q, 1) = q - 10
Next q
For x = LBound(mutationRate) To UBound(mutationRate)
For q = 11 To 110
Cells(q, 1) = q - 10
Next q
For c = LBound(populationSize) To UBound(populationSize)
For q = 11 To 110
Cells(q, 1) = q - 10
Next q
For v = LBound(MaxTimeNoImp) To UBound(MaxTimeNoImp)
For q = 11 To 110
Cells(q, 1) = q - 10
Next q
'delete previous constraints
On Error GoTo b:
SolverDelete CellRef:="$A$11:$A$110", Relation:=3, FormulaText:="1"
SolverDelete CellRef:="$A$11:$A$110", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="100"
SolverDelete CellRef:="$A$11:$A$110", Relation:=6, FormulaText:="TudoDiferente"
SolverDelete CellRef:="$A$11:$A$110", Relation:=4, FormulaText:="número inteiro"
'solver options using the combinations
SolverOptions MaxTime:=0, Iterations:=0, Precision:=0.000001, convergence:= _
convergence(Z), StepThru:=False, Scaling:=True, AssumeNonNeg:=True, Derivatives:=1
SolverOptions populationSize:=populationSize(c), RandomSeed:=0, mutationRate:=mutationRate(x), Multistart _
:=False, RequireBounds:=True, MaxSubproblems:=0, MaxIntegerSols:=0, _
IntTolerance:=0.1, SolveWithout:=False, MaxTimeNoImp:=MaxTimeNoImp(v)
'add constraints
SolverAdd CellRef:="$A$11:$A$110", Relation:=3, FormulaText:="1"
SolverAdd CellRef:="$A$11:$A$110", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="100"
SolverAdd CellRef:="$A$11:$A$110", Relation:=6, FormulaText:="TudoDiferente"
SolverAdd CellRef:="$A$11:$A$110", Relation:=4, FormulaText:="número inteiro"
'change A11:A110 cells, objetive cell L110, Evolutionary Method
SolverOk SetCell:="$L$110", MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:=0, ByChange:="$A$11:$A$110", _
Engine:=3, EngineDesc:="Evolutionary"
'solve and make response report
SolverSolve True
SolverFinish KeepFinal:=1, ReportArray:=Array(1)
'get the time that it took that is always in cells(7,2)
Dim tempo As String
tempo = Sheets("Relatório de Resposta 1").Cells(7, 2)
Dim partir() As String
partir = Split(tempo, ":")
'get the column name and write the time it took
a = Cells(9, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Cells(9, a + 1) = "tempo de simulação"
Cells(10, a + 1) = partir(1)
'delete report
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Sheets("Relatório de Resposta 1").Delete
'write the time it finished,the combination used,the final result, and sequence obtained
Cells(12, a + 1) = Now
Cells(14, a + 1) = "makespan"
Cells(15, a + 1) = Cells(110, 12)
Cells(17, a + 1) = "convergence"
Cells(18, a + 1) = convergence(Z)
Cells(20, a + 1) = "mutationRate"
Cells(21, a + 1) = mutationRate(x)
Cells(23, a + 1) = "populationSize"
Cells(24, a + 1) = populationSize(c)
Cells(26, a + 1) = "MaxTimeNoImp"
Cells(27, a + 1) = MaxTimeNoImp(v)
Cells(29, a + 1) = "sequência"
For p = 30 To 129
Cells(p, a + 1) = Cells(p - 19, 1)
Next p
Next v
Next c
Next x
Next Z
Next aa
'write 1º combination,2º combination,3 combination till 81 combination
For i = 24 To 104
Cells(8, i).Value = i - 23
Next i
For i = 105 To 185
Cells(8, i).Value = i - 104
Next i
For i = 186 To 266
Cells(8, i).Value = i - 185
Next i
'order by combination as key1 and final result as key2
'it will be 1 combination 1 combination 1 combination 2 combination .....
Range(Cells(8, 24), Cells(129, a + 1)).Sort Key1:=Range(Cells(8, 24), Cells(8, a + 1)), Key2:=Range(Cells(15, 2), Cells(15, a + 1)), _
Order1:=xlAscending, Orientation:=xlLeftToRight
'average and minimum final result,standart deviation, number of combinations made, time it took since the button was pushed
Cells(11, 23) = "makespan medio"
Cells(12, 23) = Application.Average(Range(Cells(15, 24), Cells(15, a + 1)))
Cells(14, 23) = "makespan minimo"
Cells(15, 23) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Range(Cells(15, 24), Cells(15, a + 1)))
Cells(17, 23) = "desvio padrao"
Cells(18, 23) = Application.WorksheetFunction.StDev(Range(Cells(15, 24), Cells(15, a + 1)))
Cells(20, 23) = "num simulacoes"
Cells(21, 23) = (Cells(9, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column) - 23
Cells(23, 23) = "tempo em min"
Cells(24, 23) = (Now() - StartTime) * 24 * 36