元素流问题,可能是Squarespace Quirk

时间:2018-03-31 20:08:18

标签: squarespace



这里是链接:Arcan: Title Page (Demo)


    <div class='book-profile'> <!-- profile -->
  <div class='bprof-frame' style='width: 40%;'> <!-- frame -->
    <div class='bprof-left'> <!-- left container -->
      <img src='https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56365d8fe4b01da6f9449978/t/5abc0a40352f53d1860e1018/1487723572274/book-cover.jpg?format=500w'>
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      <div class='bp-rt-content active'>
        <h2>Available Now</h2>
        <h3>Digital + Paperback</h3>
        <a href='http://www.worldsofepoch.com/store?category=Arcan' class='bp-button' target='_blank'>Purchase</a><br>
        <p class='bp-ava'>
          Also available
        <img            src='https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56365d8fe4b01da6f9449978/t/5abc0a40352f53d1860e101a/1522268546298/availability-brands.png?format=750w'>
      <div class='bp-rt-content'>
        <!-- <h3>
        </h3> -->
        <div class='bp-rev'>
            <li>"The story throws you into an endless ravine of mystery, suspense, action, and duty. I only wish I could fall faster." <span class='rev-auth'>—Danny T., <i>Amazon Customer</i></span></li>
            <li>"...While I'm HUGE on character development, I'm blown away at the world he's created (Terra)." <span class='rev-auth'>—Curiouser Editing</span></li>
            <li>"Brooks brings a refreshing take to the fantasy genre along with a new set of dynamic characters and lore to discover."<span class='rev-auth'>—Angela J. Ford, <i>The Four Worlds</i> Series</span></li>
      <div class='bp-rt-content'>
          The Long Night Comes
        <div class='bp-desc'>
          <span class='dropcaps'>T</span>he sun has begun to set on Terra, giving reign to the unholy Night foretold by the Verses. The <i>Exxarians</i> have returned to reap the destruction sown into the earth several millennia ago. But the object of their ruinous plot has eluded them in the form of a crafty soldier. Kyran, the last of the Arcans and bearer of the <i>Godfall</i>, finds himself on an unlikely journey, uncovering secrets about his primordial lineage. Such secrets, once realized, could mean the downfall of a calculated and genius scheme for the Exxarians. But, while Kyran endeavors to find his way, the Exxarians grow ever closer to the culmination of their apocalyptic design. He is the final piece.

    </div> <!-- end container -->
    <div class='bprof-nav'>
      <div class='bp-nav-content'>
            <li><a class='bp-nav-link active' onclick='currentSlide(1)'>Buy</a></li>
            <li><a class='bp-nav-link' onclick='currentSlide(2)'>Reviews</a></li>
          <li><a class='bp-nav-link' onclick='currentSlide(0)'>About</a></li>

  </div> <!-- end frame -->
</div> <!-- end profile -->


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