Python pandas:如何快速处理列中的值

时间:2018-03-28 02:54:38

标签: python pandas dataframe


    eye         nose       mouse       ear
  34_35_a      45_66_b    45_64_a     78_87_a
  35_38_a      75_76_b    95_37_a     38_79_a
  64_43_a      85_66_b    65_45_a     87_45_a


 eye_x   eye_y    nose_x   nose_y     mouse_x  mouse_y     ear_x   ear_y        
    34       35       45       66         45        64        78       87
    35       38       75       76         95        37        38       79
    64       43       85       66         65        45        87       45


 eye           nose       mouse       ear
  (34, 35)      (45,66)    (45,64)     (78,87)
  (35, 38)      (75,76)    (95,37)     (38,79)
  (64, 43)      (85,66)    (65,45)     (87,45)

def process_xy(val_str):
    s = val_str.split('_')
    x = float(s[0])
    y = float(s[1])
    label = int(s[2])
    return np.array([x, y])

keypoint_cols = list(df.columns)
d = None
for col in keypoint_cols:
    df[col+'_xy'] = df[col].apply(process_xy)

df2 = df.drop(keypoint_cols, axis=1)

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


v = df.stack().str.split('_', expand=True).iloc[:, :-1]
v.columns = ['x', 'y']

v = v.unstack().swaplevel(0, 1, axis=1)
v.columns ='_'.join)


  ear_x ear_y eye_x eye_y mouse_x mouse_y nose_x nose_y
0    78    87    34    35      45      64     45     66
1    38    79    35    38      95      37     75     76
2    87    45    64    43      65      45     85     66

答案 1 :(得分:2)


s=df.apply(lambda x : x.str.split('_')).stack().apply(pd.Series)# convert to list then unnesting it 
s=s.apply(pd.to_numeric,errors='coerce').dropna(1).rename(columns={0:'x',1:'y'}).unstack() # apply the numeric check , drop the na'{0[1]}_{0[0]}'.format)# change multiple column to flatten 
   eye_x  nose_x  mouse_x  ear_x  eye_y  nose_y  mouse_y  ear_y
0     34      45       45     78     35      66       64     87
1     35      75       95     38     38      76       37     79
2     64      85       65     87     43      66       45     45

答案 2 :(得分:1)


res = pd.concat([df[col].str.split('_', expand=True).iloc[:, :2].add_prefix(col) \
                for col in df], axis=1).astype(int)



  eye0 eye1 nose0 nose1 mouse0 mouse1 ear0 ear1
0   34   35    45    66     45     64   78   87
1   35   38    75    76     95     37   38   79
2   64   43    85    66     65     45   87   45


  • 使用pd.concataxis=1
  • 在列中汇总每个类别
  • _拆分值,使用expand=True并仅使用前2个组件。
  • 使用int转换为pd.DataFrame.astype

答案 3 :(得分:1)


df1 = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame([dict(zip([i + '_x',i + '_y'], y.split('_')[:2])) for y in x]) 
                               for i, x in df.items()], axis=1).astype(int)
print (df1)
   eye_x  eye_y  nose_x  nose_y  mouse_x  mouse_y  ear_x  ear_y
0     34     35      45      66       45       64     78     87
1     35     38      75      76       95       37     38     79
2     64     43      85      66       65       45     87     45