
时间:2018-03-27 01:43:31

标签: unity3d spline

我想要实现一个CatMull Rom Spline,并且我实现了它,但是球体移动到点非常快。我想如果我使用Time.DeltaTime它会减慢它,但它移动太快。


Vector3 ComputePointOnCatmullRomCurve(float u, int segmentNumber)
    // TODO - compute and return a point as a Vector3       
    // Points on segment number 0 start at controlPoints[0] and end at controlPoints[1]
    // Points on segment number 1 start at controlPoints[1] and end at controlPoints[2]
    //       etc...

    Vector3 point = new Vector3();

    float c0 = ((-u + 2f) * u - 1f) * u * 0.5f;
    float c1 = (((3f * u - 5f) * u) * u + 2f) * 0.5f;
    float c2 = ((-3f * u + 4f) * u + 1f) * u * 0.5f;
    float c3 = ((u - 1f) * u * u) * 0.5f;

    Vector3 p0 = controlPoints[(segmentNumber - 1) % NumberOfPoints];
    Vector3 p1 = controlPoints[segmentNumber % NumberOfPoints];
    Vector3 p2 = controlPoints[(segmentNumber + 1) % NumberOfPoints];
    Vector3 p3 = controlPoints[(segmentNumber + 2) % NumberOfPoints];

    point.x = (p0.x * c0) + (p1.x * c1) + (p2.x * c2) + (p3.x * c3);
    point.y = (p0.y * c0) + (p1.y * c1) + (p2.y * c2) + (p3.y * c3);
    point.x = (p0.z * c0) + (p1.z * c1) + (p2.z * c2) + (p3.z * c3);

    return point;


void Update () 
    // TODO - use time to determine values for u and segment_number in this function call
    // 0.5 Can be used as u
    time += DT;


    Vector3 temp = ComputePointOnCatmullRomCurve(time, segCounter);
    transform.position = temp;


const int NumberOfPoints = 8;
Vector3[] controlPoints;

const int MinX = -5;
const int MinY = -5;
const int MinZ = 0;

const int MaxX = 5;
const int MaxY = 5;
const int MaxZ = 5;

float time = 0;
const float DT = 0.01f;
public static int segCounter = 0;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


回到你的情况:基本上你想把一个位置传递给你的功能。你现在打发时间。如果你的catmull rom认为0是开始而1是目的地,那么在1秒之后,你将在样条曲线的末尾。 (请注意,这是帧速率独立的有趣之处:无论帧速率是多少,您都会在一秒内到达终点)。现在,如何从时间转换到位置。易




void Update () 
    time += Time.deltaTime;
    var speed = 0.1f;
    var splinePos = speed * time;


    Vector3 temp = ComputePointOnCatmullRomCurve(splinePos, segCounter);
    transform.position = temp;