我从json文件中获取消息的数量,但我有一个错误......我不知道为什么。在这个程序中,bot必须发送有关成员的信息。如果我在代码的开头写msg = None
,它就不会发送> messages = 10
它会发送messages = None
if args[0] == '!in':
await client.delete_message(message)
highclass = None
gm = ""
clan = None
if (roleLeaders in message.author.roles or roleHunter in message.author.roles or roleDeputy in message.author.roles):
for member in message.mentions:
user = member
userjoin = str(user.joined_at)
joinpars= userjoin.split()
join = joinpars[0]
msg1 = user_get_msg(member.id)
time1 = user_get_time(member.id)
s = str(msg1)
last = int(s[-1])
st = str(time1)
stm = time1 // 60
sth = stm // 60
std = sth // 24
if time1 <= 60:
lastt = int(st[-1])
if lastt == 0:
time = '{0} секунд'.format(time1)
if lastt == 1 and not time1 == 11:
time = '{0} секунду'.format(time1)
if ((time1 >= 11 and time1 <= 19) or (lastt >= 5 and lastt <= 9)):
time = '{0} секунд'.format(time1)
if (lastt >= 2 and lastt <= 4) and not (time1 >= 11 and time1 <= 19):
time = '{0} секунды'.format(time1)
if time1 <= 3600 and time1 > 60:
lastt = int(str(stm)[-1])
if lastt == 0:
time = '{0} минут'.format(stm)
if lastt == 1 and not stm == 11:
time = '{0} минуту'.format(stm)
if ((stm >= 11 and stm <= 19) or (lastt >= 5 and lastt <= 9)):
time = '{0} минут'.format(stm)
if (lastt >= 2 and lastt <= 4) and not (stm >= 11 and stm <= 19):
time = '{0} минуты'.format(stm)
if time1 <= 86400 and time1 >3600:
lastt = int(str(sth)[-1])
if lastt == 0:
time = '{0} часов'.format(sth)
if lastt == 1 and not sth == 11:
time = '{0} час'.format(sth)
if ((sth >= 11 and sth <= 19) or (lastt >= 5 and lastt <= 9)):
time = '{0} часов'.format(sth)
if (lastt >= 2 and lastt <= 4) and not (sth >= 11 and sth <= 19):
time = '{0} часа'.format(sth)
if time1 >= 86400:
lastt = int(str(std)[-1])
if lastt == 0:
time = '{0} дней'.format(std)
if lastt == 1 and not std == 11:
time = '{0} день'.format(std)
if ((std >= 11 and std <= 19) or (lastt >= 5 and lastt <= 9)):
time = '{0} дней'.format(std)
if (lastt >= 2 and lastt <= 4) and not (std >= 11 and std <= 19):
time = '{0} дня'.format(std)
if msg1 >= 0:
if last == 0 or msg1 == 0:
msg = '{0} записок'.format(msg1)
if msg1 == 1 or (last == 1 and msg1 >= 21):
msg = '{0} записку'.format(msg1)
if (msg1 >= 2 and msg1 <= 4) or (msg1 >= 22 and msg1 <= 24):
msg = '{0} записки'.format(msg1)
if (last >= 5 and last <= 9):
msg = '{0} записок'.format(msg1)
for role in member.roles:
with open('class.json', 'r') as roleread:
if role.id in roleread.read():
highclass = '<@&{0}>'.format(role.id)
with open('clans.json', 'r') as fp:
if role.id in fp.read():
gm = '> Является участником гильдии <@&{0}>.'.format(role.id)
if roleGM in member.roles:
gm = '> Является **мастером** гильдии <@&{0}>.'.format(role.id)
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
await client.send_message(message.channel, 'Персонаж {0}:\n'
'> Прибыл в город **{1}**;\n'
'> Принимал участие в жизни города **{2}**;\n'
'> Написал **{3}**;\n'
'> Имеет класс {4};\n'
'{5}'.format(member.mention, join, time, msg, highclass, gm))
File "soul.py", line 497, in on_message
'{5}'.format(member.mention, join, time, msg, highclass, gm))
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'msg' referenced before assignment
答案 0 :(得分:1)
if last == 0 or msg1 == 0:
msg = '{0} some useless tex'.format(msg1)
if msg1 == 1 or (last == 1 and msg1 >= 21):
msg = '{0} some useless tex'.format(msg1)
if (msg1 >= 2 and msg1 <= 4) or (msg1 >= 22 and msg1 <= 24):
msg = '{0} some useless tex'.format(msg1)
if (last >= 5 and last <= 9):
msg = '{0} some useless tex'.format(msg1)
if last == 0 or msg1 == 0:
msg = '{0} some useless tex'.format(msg1)
elif msg1 == 1 or (last == 1 and msg1 >= 21):
msg = '{0} some useless tex'.format(msg1)
elif (msg1 >= 2 and msg1 <= 4) or (msg1 >= 22 and msg1 <= 24):
msg = '{0} some useless tex'.format(msg1)
elif (last >= 5 and last <= 9):
msg = '{0} some useless tex'.format(msg1)
msg = '{0} WARNING! UNEXPECTED VALUE!'.format(msg1)
可能是一个语义上有意义的更改。如果两个条件都可以为true,则原始代码将同时执行它们,因此第二个会覆盖第一个做的,但是新代码只执行第一个。如果它有所不同,这实际上更常见于你想要的 - 但如果你想要其他行为,你可能需要重写或重新排序你的条件。)