我需要一些帮助。 如何尝试加载模型并从本教程预测(https://cloud.google.com/blog/big-data/2017/10/intro-to-text-classification-with-keras-automatically-tagging-stack-overflow-posts)。
max_words = 1000
tokenize = text.Tokenizer(num_words=max_words, char_level=False)
txt = "angular expression in ng-repeat and ng-click i am trying to call a function using <code>ng-click</code> which is dynamically generated by <code>ng-repeat</code> the problem is that i am not able to get the parameter value passed in <code>ng-click</code> function. my html code is <pre><code><div class= col-md-4 col-xs-12 col-lg-4 ng-repeat= (key value) in uploadedfiles > <b>value.filename is {{value.filename}}</b> <img ng-if= value.filetype== jpg ng-src= http://localhost:3000/uploads/{{value.filename}} class= img img-responsive thumbnail uploadedfile-thumb /> <img ng-if= value.filetype== pdf ng-src= images/pdf-thumb.jpg class= img img-responsive thumbnail uploadedfile-thumb /> <a ng-href= http://localhost:3000/uploads/{{value.filename}} target= _blank class= uploaded-file-links >view</a> <a ng-href= # ng-click= deletefile(value.filename); class= uploaded-file-links >delete</a> </div> </code></pre> i am not getting the filename which is passed in <code>deletefile()</code> bit it is working in <code><b></code> tag in 2nd line so finally this is a problem with my angular expression so how should i write it"
x_test = tokenize.texts_to_matrix(txt)
prediction = model.predict(np.array([x_test[0]]))