Javascript score counter keeps adding no matter the result

时间:2018-03-25 21:03:50

标签: javascript

massive noob here.

I'm making a rock paper scissor game in which one of the functions called 'game', counts the score between the player and the computer over 5 rounds.

The problem I am having is that no matter whether the player wins loses or draws, +1 is added to the score every time, instead of -1 for a loss and maintaining the score on a draw.

function game() {
  var roundCount = 0;
  var score = 0;

  while (roundCount < 5) {
    playRound(prompt("Rock, Paper or Scissors?"), computerPlay());

    if (resultMessage == "You Win. Rock beats Scissors" || "You Win. Paper beats Rock" || "You Win. Scissor beats Paper") {
    } else if (resultMessage == "Draw") {
      score = score;
    } else {
    roundCount = roundCount + 1;
  return score;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

This will always return true:

resultMessage == "You Win. Rock beats Scissors" || "You Win. Paper beats Rock" || "You Win. Scissor beats Paper"

Because the second and third dysjuncts are strings, which are always true.

答案 1 :(得分:1)

This does not work:

if(resultMessage == "You Win. Rock beats Scissors" || "You Win. Paper beats Rock" || "You Win. Scissor beats Paper") {


You have to compare each value:

if(resultMessage === "You Win. Rock beats Scissors" || resultMessage === "You Win. Paper beats Rock" || resultMessage === "You Win. Scissor beats Paper") {


答案 2 :(得分:0)

您可以通过返回值playRound()(-1 =&gt; lost,0 =&gt; draw,1 =&gt; win)来实现-1,0,1函数。然后,您可以直接将其添加到乐谱中,这将节省您比较字符串值。我已经包含了一个演示此代码的代码示例,但是您需要使用自己的逻辑替换playRound(choice)函数来生成计算机选项,测试win / draw / lose,并返回正确的响应。古德勒克:)

function playRound(choice) {
  //replace this random win/draw/lose function with play logic
  let randomResult = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) - 1);
  return randomResult;

function game() {
  //init round and score variables
  let roundCount = 0;
  let score = 0;

  //play 5 rounds
  while (roundCount < 5) {
    //get users choice
    let userChoice = prompt("Rock, Paper, or Scissors?");

    //play round and get result (-1 => loss, 0 => draw, 1=> win)
    score += playRound(userChoice);

    //print current score and increment round count
    console.log("Current Score: " + score);

  //print final result (no need to check for draw as we have an odd number of rounds)
  console.log("Final Score: " + score);
  if (score < 0) {
    console.log("You lost the game :(");
  } else {
    console.log("You won the game :)");

//start game