
时间:2018-03-18 17:38:40

标签: python neural-network perceptron


first perceptron

input     out (expected)
1.0  1.0  1            (threshold : 0,2; learning rate : 1)
1.0  0.0  -1
0.0  1.0  -1 
0.0  0.0  -1


second perceptron

1.0  1.0  1  0
1.0  0.0  0  1
0.0  1.0  0  1
0.0  0.0  0  1

使用与第一次相同的阈值/学习率,我只得到“1”;所以我试着弄乱那些,把它们设置为1 / 0.01,这次我得到了(在50个时代之后,而第一个感知器完成了9个):

1 1 
0 1 
0 1 
0 1 


这是我的代码: (功能训练感知器)

    def trainPerceptron(self, input_data, learning_rate):
        # made for a regular perceptron, not a multilayer one

    del input_data[0]
    epoch = 0
    while epoch < 50:
        # main training loop.
        hasChanged = False # witness if that epoch didn't changed anything
        for index_values in range(0, len(input_data)):
            # each line in the file (even if in this case, it's values inside an array)
            current_data = input_data[index_values]
            current_expected_out = input_data[index_values][-len(self.capas[len(self.capas) - 1].cells):]
            for index_cell in range(0, len(self.capas[0].cells) - 1):
                # for each cell in the input layer (except bias ones)
                # we set the activation
                if "bias" not in self.capas[0].cells[index_cell].name:
                    self.capas[0].cells[index_cell].state = float(current_data[index_cell])

            for cell in self.capas[1].cells:
                # for each cell in the output layer
                y_in = 0
                f_y = 0
                for connexion in cell.connexionsIn:
                    # we calculate the sum of the values in
                    y_in += connexion.origin.state * connexion.weight

                if y_in > cell.threshold:
                    f_y = 1
                elif cell.threshold >= y_in >= cell.threshold * -1:
                    f_y = 0
                elif y_in <= cell.threshold * -1:
                    f_y = -1

                cell.state = f_y # we finally set the state of each cell out

                if float(cell.state) != float(current_expected_out[int(cell.name[-1])]):
                    # if the result isn't the good one, we update the weight of the cell's connexions (including bias)
                    hasChanged = True

                    for connexionToCorrect in cell.connexionsIn:
                        if "bias" not in connexionToCorrect.origin.name:
                            connexionToCorrect.weight += learning_rate * float(current_expected_out[int(connexionToCorrect.destination.name[-1])]) * connexionToCorrect.origin.state
                            connexionToCorrect.weight += learning_rate * float(current_expected_out[int(connexionToCorrect.destination.name[-1])])

        print("Epoch : " + str(epoch))
        epoch += 1
        if hasChanged is False:
            print("Solution found.")


    def exploitPerceptron(self, input_data):
        final_data = []  # this will be the data outputted by the perceptron
    del input_data[0]  # comment this line as needed. it's needed because our data file have a useless first line

    for index_values in range(0, len(input_data)):
        # each line in the file (even if in this case, it's values inside an array)
        current_data = input_data[index_values]
        current_expected_out = input_data[index_values][-len(self.capas[len(self.capas) - 1].cells):]
        for index_cell in range(0, len(self.capas[0].cells) - 1):
            # for each cell in the input layer (except bias ones)
            # we set the activation
            if "bias" not in self.capas[0].cells[index_cell].name:
                self.capas[0].cells[index_cell].state = float(current_data[index_cell])

        for cell in self.capas[1].cells:
            # for each cell in the output layer
            y_in = 0
            f_y = 0
            for connexion in cell.connexionsIn:
                # we calculate the sum of the values in
                y_in += connexion.origin.state * connexion.weight

            if y_in > cell.threshold:
                f_y = 1
            elif cell.threshold >= y_in >= cell.threshold * -1:
                f_y = 0
            elif y_in <= cell.threshold * -1:
                f_y = -1

            cell.state = f_y  # we finally set the state of each cell out

        result = ""
        for cell in self.capas[len(self.capas) - 1].cells:
            result += str(cell.state) + " "


retu = Red("perceptron")
retu.initCapas([2, 2])
retu.addCell(0, "bias0", 1)
retu.addCell(0, "bias1", 1)
retu.createConnexion([0, 2], [1, 0], 0)
retu.createConnexion([0, 3], [1, 1], 0)
# we have 2 neurons in + bias, and two neurons out
retu.trainPerceptron(retu.processText("and.txt"), 0.01)

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