
时间:2018-03-16 12:40:12

标签: r igraph



当我们在相同的网络结构上运行spinglass 1000次,10次重复(10x1000次)时,复制1-9中大约90%的运行返回2个集群:

We run the spinglass estimation 1000 times on the network (see link for picture) and then look which node-cluster constellation has been estimated most frequently across these 1000 estimations. We did this in order to deal with the stochastic variability in the algorithm. In the case in the picture, two clusters were estimated in 93.4% of all 1000 estimations. Such a result is retrieved in 9 of 10 replications of such repeated estimations.


I.e., in 1 of these 10 replications (see link for picture) we retrieve the following result as the most frequently estimated node-cluster constellation (93.1% of 1000 spinglass runs)


似乎igraph / spinglass有某种顺序(而不是随机)的内部种子计数器,导致后续迭代不相互独立(另见https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/igraph-help/2010-02/msg00031.html)。




下面你可以找到运行相同类型的迭代估计的代码(请注意,由于估计的数量,运行大约需要40分钟 - 1小时;我们需要这么多的迭代和估计,因为奇怪的结果只会出现在几次之后,即1000次估计的10次迭代)。除了运行迭代的spinglass估计之外,此代码还重新关联cluster-node-membership以使这些成员在不同的估计中具有可比性(因为spinglass可以在一次估算中将1分配给一个集群,但在后续估算中将其标记为2)。 p>

# create network
net <- matrix(0,18,18)
net[1:9,1:9] <- 0.1
net[10:18,10:18] <- 0.1
net[1,10] <- net[10,1] <- 0.1
net[2,11] <- net[11,2] <- 0.1
diag(net) <- 0

# Draw:
qgraph(net, layout = "spring", title = "True network", esize = 2, vsize = 5)

# Generate data and bootstrap

# Setseed for simulation of network
# setwd!

Data <- ggmGenerator()(500, net)
n1 <- qgraph(cor_auto(Data), graph="EBICglasso", sampleSize=500, 

# the number of spins is now equal to the number of nodes, which is logical
spinComRec <- function(graphQgraph, # qgraph object
                   numberSpins = graphQgraph$graphAttributes$Graph$nNodes, 
                   numberIterations = 10, 
                   numberEstimations = 1000                      

graphIgraph <- as.igraph(graphQgraph)

for (yIt in 1:numberIterations){
# Repeated estimation with stable number of spins
clusterStabilitySpin <- list()
for (i in 1:numberEstimations){
  clusterStabilitySpin[[i]] <- cluster_spinglass(graphIgraph, 
                                                 weights = E(graphIgraph)$weight,
                                                 spins = numberSpins,
                                                 start.temp = 1,
                                                 stop.temp = 0.01,
                                                 cool.fact = 0.99)  # default settings
  # we do not specify gamma but it should be 1 which = missing/non-missing equally important
  # also, they weights are taken into consideration
  # we do not use the version that takes negative edges into account as
  # indicating edges between different communities because that is not
  # logical for psychological networks

# how many clusters were estimated in each estimation?
clusterStabilitySpinNumber <- c()
for (i in 1:length(clusterStabilitySpin)){
  clusterStabilitySpinNumber[i] <- length(clusterStabilitySpin[[i]])

### Spinglass Recoding

# Checking whether algorithm switches community-node assignment 
# (within one and the same spin number)

# compare each node membership with each other node membership
testVector <- c()
testMatrix <- matrix(ncol = graphQgraph$graphAttributes$Graph$nNodes, nrow = graphQgraph$graphAttributes$Graph$nNodes)
testList <- list()
for (k in length(clusterStabilitySpin):1){
  for (j in length(clusterStabilitySpin[[k]]$membership):1){
    for (i in length(clusterStabilitySpin[[k]]$membership):1){
      testVector[i] <- clusterStabilitySpin[[k]]$membership[j] == clusterStabilitySpin[[k]]$membership[i]
    testMatrix[,j] <- testVector
  testList[[k]] <- testMatrix

# testlist represents each node compared to all others (logical values 
# indicating whether nodes belong to the same cluster)

newMatrix <- list()
for (l in 1:length(testList)){
  newMatrix[[l]] <- unique(testList[[l]], MARGIN = 2)

# now we took all unique logical vectors (we only have vectors that 
# logically indicate clusters) - each column in newmatrix represents one cluster
# newMatrix holds all unique vectors

# the following substitutes each TRUE for its respective column number for each
# list element in newMatrix and thereby recodes membership labels

membershipVector <- c()
membershipMatrix <- matrix(nrow = graphQgraph$graphAttributes$Graph$nNodes, ncol = length(clusterStabilitySpin))
for (m in 1:length(newMatrix)){
  for (n in 1:ncol(newMatrix[[m]])){
    for (o in 1:length(which(newMatrix[[m]][,n]))){
      membershipVector[which(newMatrix[[m]][,n])[o]] <- n
  membershipMatrix[,m] <- membershipVector

# Loop that compares all logical matrices to all matrices
identMatrix <- matrix(ncol = length(newMatrix), nrow = length(newMatrix)) 
for (i in 1:length(newMatrix)){
  for (j in 1:length(newMatrix)){
    identMatrix[i,j] <- identical(newMatrix[[i]], newMatrix[[j]])

uniqIdentMatrix <- unique(identMatrix, MARGIN = 2) 
# extracting unique comparisons (i.e., matrices that are equal to each other 
# (indicated by the row number)

# See how many comparable to each other
equalMatrixList <- list()
for (k in 1:ncol(uniqIdentMatrix)){
  equalMatrixList[[k]] <- which(uniqIdentMatrix[,k]==TRUE)
# equalMatrixList # each list element lists the indexes of those matrices that are equal to each other
# sapply(equalMatrixList, length)
# which(sapply(equalMatrixList, length)==max(sapply(equalMatrixList, length))) 
# for each of the unique memberships we get the frequency and the one with the most frequent est

uniqueMembershipVectors <- matrix(nrow = nrow(membershipMatrix), ncol = length(equalMatrixList))
for (i in 1:length(equalMatrixList)){
  uniqueMembershipVectors[,i] <- as.matrix(membershipMatrix[,equalMatrixList[[i]]])[,1]

# order the membership estimations according to frequency
equalMatrixList <- equalMatrixList[order(sapply(equalMatrixList,length),decreasing=T)]

# run one spinglass estimation to use as object to put in the new membershipvectors
communitySGPlot1 <- cluster_spinglass(graphIgraph, 
                                      weights = E(graphIgraph)$weight,
                                      spins = 2)

# create a pdf for each iteration with a network on each page 
# the network shows the communities, the number of communities, and the proportion
# of all estimations in which this constellation has come up
# the plotting starts with the estimation that has come up most frequently
lalaName <- paste("AllSpinglassCommunities", yIt, ".pdf", sep = "")

pdf(lalaName, width=10, height=10)
for (i in 1:ncol(uniqueMembershipVectors)){
  communitySGPlot1$membership <- uniqueMembershipVectors[,i]
  plot(communitySGPlot1, graphIgraph, layout = graphQgraph$layout)
  text(1,1,labels = length(unique(uniqueMembershipVectors[,i])))
  text(1,1.1, labels = (sapply(equalMatrixList, length)[i])/length(clusterStabilitySpin))

# same as above but next to each other on one page (i.e., in groups of 5)
lalaName <- paste("AllSpinglassCommunitiesOnepage", yIt, ".pdf", sep = "")

pdf(lalaName, width = 200, height = 200)
par(mfrow = c(5,5))
for (i in 1:ncol(uniqueMembershipVectors)){
  communitySGPlot1$membership <- uniqueMembershipVectors[,i]
  plot(communitySGPlot1, graphIgraph, layout = graphQgraph$layout)
  text(1,1,labels = length(unique(uniqueMembershipVectors[,i])))
  text(1,1.1, labels = (sapply(equalMatrixList, length)[i])/length(clusterStabilitySpin))

spinComRec(n1, numberIterations = 10, numberEstimations = 1000)

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