
时间:2018-03-16 01:50:00

标签: list f# null



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以下是关于算法使用的符号的更多信息from Topor (1982)


正式地,'t listnull(表示为nil)或hd't}和tl }(这是一个't list)...如果x是一个列表,我们通过编写null来测试它是否为null x ...我们创建一个新列表,通过编写a在现有列表x的前面添加元素a:x ...我们用a表示包含元素list(a)的单元列表...... list(x) = x:nil




let rec kpermute k (xs: 't list) = 

    let rec mapPerm k xs ys =
        match ys with 
        | [] -> []
        | head::tail -> 
            let kpermuteNext = kpermute (k-1) (removeFirst head xs)
            let mapPermNext = mapPerm k xs tail
            mapcons head kpermuteNext mapPermNext

    match k with 
    | 0 -> [[]]
    | _ when xs.Length < k -> []
    | _ -> mapPerm k xs xs 

使用列表时,对于list(nil)我们使用[[]]而对于nil,我们使用[]。虽然这很好,但可能有一种更具表现力的方式。我们还有时候在类型推断需要更多信息时使用List.empty<'t list>List.empty<'t>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

本文为您提供了所有答案:nil[]; null x是对x是否为空列表的测试; list(nil)[[]]


let rec minus a = function
    | [] -> failwith "empty list"
    | xh :: xt -> if xh = a then xt else xh :: minus a xt

let rec permute2 k x =
    if k = 0 then [[]]
    elif List.length x < k then []
    else mapperm k x x

and mapperm k x = function
    | [] -> []
    | yh :: yt -> mapcons yh (permute2 (minus yh x)) (mapperm x yt)

and mapcons a ps qs =
    match ps with
    | [] -> qs
    | ph :: pt -> a :: ph :: mapcons a pt qs