
时间:2018-03-15 06:13:40

标签: c# unity3d gps sensor



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
//using System.Math;
//using System.Diagnostics;

public class GPS02 : MonoBehaviour {

       public float latitude;
       public float longitude;
       public double earthradius;

       public double Lat_lon;

       public float lat;
       public float lon;

       public static double enu2ecefx;
       public static double enu2ecefy;
       public static double enu2ecefz;

       public static float finalX;
       public static float finalY;
       public static float finalZ;

       const double a = 6378137f;         // WGS-84 Earth semimajor axis (m)

       const double b = 6356752f;     // Derived Earth semiminor axis (m)
       const double f = (a - b) / a;           // Ellipsoid Flatness
       const double f_inv = 1.0f / f; 
       const double a_sq = a * a;
       const double b_sq = b * b;
       const double e_sq = f * (2f - f);

      public GameObject carvar;

      public Car othervar;

      public double E;
      public double N;
      public double U;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
         othervar = carvar.GetComponent<Car>();
         E = othervar.east;
         N = othervar.north;
         U = othervar.up;       
         transform.position = Quaternion.AngleAxis(longitude, -Vector3.up) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(latitude, -Vector3.right) * new Vector3(0,0,1);  // ----not sure
        Debug.Log("X ECEF "+transform.position.z);
        Debug.Log("Y ECEF "+transform.position.x);
        Debug.Log("Z ECEF "+transform.position.y);

        EnuToEcef(E,N,U,latitude,longitude,earthradius,out enu2ecefx,out enu2ecefy,out enu2ecefz);

       finalX = transform.position.z + (float)enu2ecefx;
       finalY = transform.position.x + (float)enu2ecefy;
       finalZ = transform.position.y + (float)enu2ecefz;

        Debug.Log("final X "+finalX);
        Debug.Log("final Y "+finalY);
        Debug.Log("final Z "+finalZ);

        lat = (float)Math.Acos( finalY / earthradius);
        lon = (float)Math.Atan(finalX/ earthradius); 

        Debug.Log("lattitude "+lat);
        Debug.Log("lattitude "+lon);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {


    public  static void EnuToEcef(double E, double N, double U,
                                double latitude, double longitude, double earthradius,
                                out double enu2ecefx, out double enu2ecefy, out double enu2ecefz)
        // Convert to radians in notation consistent with the paper:
        var lambda = DegreeToRadians(latitude);
        var phi = DegreeToRadians(longitude);
        var s = Math.Sin(lambda);
        var n = a / Math.Sqrt(1 - e_sq * s * s);

        var sin_lambda = Math.Sin(lambda);
        var cos_lambda = Math.Cos(lambda);
        var cos_phi = Math.Cos(phi);
        var sin_phi = Math.Sin(phi);

        double x0 =(earthradius + n) * cos_lambda * cos_phi;
        double y0 = (earthradius + n) * cos_lambda * sin_phi;
        double z0 = (earthradius + (1 - e_sq) * n) * sin_lambda;

        double xd = -sin_phi * E - cos_phi * sin_lambda * N+ cos_lambda * cos_phi * U;
        double yd = cos_phi * E - sin_lambda * sin_phi * N + cos_lambda * sin_phi * U;
        double zd = cos_lambda * N + sin_lambda * U;

        enu2ecefx = xd + x0;
        enu2ecefy = yd + y0;
        enu2ecefz = zd + z0;

        Debug.Log("car_x ECEF "+enu2ecefx);
        Debug.Log("car_y ECEF "+enu2ecefy);
        Debug.Log("car_z ECEF "+enu2ecefz);

    public static double DegreeToRadians(double Lat_lon)
        return (3.14f/180f)*Lat_lon;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



link显示了差异。 纬度角度几乎与球形坐标(90°极坐标)中的角度相似。 经度方位角角度。



  • radius = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)

  • latitude = arcsin(z/radius)

  • longitude = atan2(y, x)



  • radius = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)

  • polar = arccos(z/radius)

  • azimuthal = atan2(y, x)


  • latitude = polar - 90°

  • longitude = azimuthal