
时间:2018-03-14 16:05:32

标签: excel vba excel-vba



Option Explicit
Units = "E"
grav = 32.2

    Function DischargePipingLoss_per_FT(FluidName As String, BTUperHR As Double, OutsideDia_copper As String,LiquidTemp As Double, SuctionTemp As Double, Superheat As Double, PipeLossUnits As String, Isentropic_Eff As Double)

            Dim ps As Double
            Dim ts As Double
            Dim hs As Double
            Dim ss As Double
            Dim pd As Double
            Dim hd As Double
            Dim hd_actual As Double
            Dim td As Double
            Dim Re As Double, friction As Double
            Dim DynamicVisc As Double
            Dim KinematicViscosity_FT2perSEC As Double
            Dim InsideDia_FT As Double, PressureDrop_ft As Double
            Dim Velocity_FPS
            Dim BTUperLB As Double
            Dim LBperHR As Double
            Dim FT3perHR As Double
            Dim FluidDensity As Double
            Dim SuctionPressure As Double
            Dim ReturnGasTemp As Double
            Dim PSID_per_FT As Double

            'Determine suction pressure and temp
                ps = Pressure(FluidName, "Tvap", Units, SuctionTemp)
                ts = SuctionTemp + Superheat

            'Determine liquid enthalpy, suction gas enthalpy
                'hf = Enthalpy(FluidName, "PT", Units, HighPressure, GasCoolerOutletTemp)
                hs = VaporEnthalpy(FluidName, "PT", Units, ps, ts)

            'Determine return gas / discharge gas entropy
                ss = VaporEntropy(FluidName, "PT", Units, ps, ts)

            'Determine discharge pressure
                pd = Pressure(FluidName, "Tvap", Units, LiquidTemp)

            'Determine isentropic discharge gas enthalpy
                hd = Enthalpy(FluidName, "PS", Units, pd, ss)

            'Determine actual discharge gas enthalpy
                hd_actual = (hd - hs) / Isentropic_Eff + hs

            'Determine discharge temperature (uncomment if wanted)
                td = Temperature(FluidName, "PH", Units, pd, hd_actual)

            'calculate mass flowrate
                BTUperLB = RefrigerationEffect(FluidName, Units, LiquidTemp, SuctionTemp, Superheat)
                LBperHR = BTUperHR / BTUperLB

            'calculate fluid transport properties
                FluidDensity = Density(FluidName, "PH", Units, pd, hd_actual)
                DynamicVisc = Viscosity(FluidName, "PH", Units, pd, hd_actual)

           'calculate volume flowrate and velocity
                FT3perHR = LBperHR / FluidDensity
                InsideDia_FT = get_dia(OutsideDia_copper) / 12
                Velocity_FPS = FT3perHR / (3.14 * (InsideDia_FT / 2) ^ 2) / 3600

            'retrieve friction factor and calculate pressure drop (ft per ft)

                KinematicViscosity_FT2perSEC = DynamicVisc / FluidDensity
                PressureDrop_ft = FrictionFactor(Velocity_FPS, InsideDia_FT, KinematicViscosity_FT2perSEC) * (1 / InsideDia_FT) * (Velocity_FPS ^ 2 / (2 * grav))

            'convert pressure drop to psi per ft
            PSID_per_FT = PressureDrop_ft * FluidDensity / 12 ^ 2

            If PipeLossUnits = "PSI" Then
                DischargePipingLoss_per_FT = PSID_per_FT
            ElseIf PipeLossUnits = "degF" Then
                DischargePipingLoss_per_FT = deltaT(FluidName, td, PSID_per_FT)
            Else: DischargePipingLoss_per_FT = "error"
            End If

        End Function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

#VALUE是Excel VBA的标准答案,当UDF函数尝试更改Microsoft Excel的环境时(请参阅黄色方块)。


Public Function Example() As Long
    'Range("A1") = 10
    Example = 5
End Function


然后,如果您取消注释Range("A1")=10,则会看到#VALUE错误。因此,长话短说 - 你的功能(或它所呼唤的功能)显然是在做违法的事情。试着找出它是什么并消除它。


工作表单元格中的公式调用的用户定义函数无法更改Microsoft Excel的环境。这意味着这样的功能不能执行以下任何操作:

  • 在电子表格中插入,删除或格式化单元格。
  • 更改另一个单元格的值。
  • 移动,重命名,删除或向工作簿添加工作表。
  • 更改任何环境选项,例如计算模式或屏幕视图。
  • 将名称添加到工作簿。
  • 设置属性或执行大多数方法。

support.microsoft.com - Description of limitations of custom functions in Excel